Hey guys.

Just wanted to get this out of the way before my Newbie status leaves me.

I'm here to learn more about encoding and making new friends. I've been a forum member for only about 2 weeks. And have already been making new friends and learning cool tricks. Before discovering friendstertalk, I knew nothing about CSS or javascript. Now I know quite alot of things.
[b]username: Shakiro214
name: Earl Jornales
sex: male
marital status: single

age: 24
Born in & currently resides in: Baltimore, Md USA
Hometown: Dumaguete City
profile: [url=http://www.friendster.com/7027003]http://www.friendster.com/7027003[/url]
add me: shakiro214@lycos.com[/b]
Last edited by shakiro214 (2007-08-30 06:46:22)