actually i think the main reason why this would not be implemented is that it could break rule no. 4
4. No spamming and [color=red]flamming[/color] in any form.
coz if its freedom board,basically, u dont have restraints.,wkokokk~u can critique mods and dis forum without any sanction., now.,dat would be a big problem in da future.,lol.,chaos.dats all i can say. wkokokk~~
the only way i think taht this could be very possible is that if members would post in a respective way.
[spoiler][quote=ernz_love]all i can say is that your ava is soo cute.. nyahahah...
and merry x mass and happy new year to all wakoko..
peace be with you...
[quote=dondon]anyway, nice ava
wkokokkk~`merry xmas to both of u.[/spoiler]