^ awww OT and double post

[spoiler][quote=switpotato]double post:::
i love
for being wannabe mod who befriend other mod just for ur intetntion
and leave him after u got ur purpose..
i love u for being a wanna b great mod thou u know wats ur capability
and i love u most for being super wannnabe mod like ur acting ryt now..
at least u r honest.. muahhss...
again i love u in this at most[/quote]
[quote=switpotato]i love
for being wannabe mod who befriend other mod just for ur intetntion
and leave him after u got ur purpose..[/quote]
are you talking about EJ?
and its [b]none of your business[/b].
and, i am not a WANNABE mod coz i am a MOD

[quote=switpotato]theres too many concern user here.. they will help the forum and the mods....
via verbal reminders or report button[/quote]
too bad youre not one of the "concerned" members coz you did broke the "no double post" rule in purpose. and now youre expecting us to believe you conditions for the thread?
you've got nothing to say with my prev post coz you know im right

now what? youre hitting me personally.. /epicfail
im not being a "wannabe great mod" coz i am just acting what i [b]SHOULD[/b] act

[b]i do not approve of your suggestion[/b]. and thats my decision.
dont get too personal just because i disapproved.

anyway, think all you want coz frankly idc.
what youre saying wont affect me coz you dont weigh anything in my OL life or in FT in general.
Last edited by ducheszv (2008-12-21 01:44:58)