well, as far as i know, i've only seen like 3 mods who are over moderating.

But why do you think the admin made them a mod/ why won't admin de-mod them? It just means that the admin thinks they are doing their jobs efficiently. Maybe, moderators just have to choose the appropriate words so no one's feelings will be hurt. Seriously, I don't think a perfect forum could be achieved. There would be some spammers and there would be some flamers. Truthfully, I don't think a freedom board would turn out nice. Why? Look at this thread. There are some peeps fighting. If members would express their feelings without judging if their words are correct and mods can't ban members for that, I think this forum would undergo a communist forum. A forum of equality. I don't think that would turn out nicely. There would be no one in control.
If you don't agree with what I had just typed, I understand. There are no wrong opinions.
Peace and Merry Christmas Everyone!