Re: if you are giving a chance to have a loveteam,
Who do you think is the best couple here in ftalk. ? :D
For me its [b]shirow[/b] and [b]yuna[/b].. :lol:=D
My turn..
[spoiler]me and babools (chaw)..
me and kambal (danx)..
me and mella..
me and my labidabs (ate luna)..
me and shokoy (ukoi)..
me and ate jam..
me and pest (james).. jk.
kisssssssssss my singet.. :******[/spoiler]
james and chaw?
james and danx?
dondon and anne..
bang zam and ate bel..
chan and malow..
[b][s]carlo and eney..[/s] [/b]
bang nox and bang elyass..