[quote=charm_caster0604]Yah nga. sayang! Tsk..Buti ka pa. Okey ka palageeh. NaEemo-mode ako kasi... I don't wanna let go of 2008!!! uhmm NVM tat. >_< Uyy! Bat wala repu system mo? Bibigyan pa naman kita.[/quote]
Aww, same here. Repu system ko? Ohh, I forgot to enable it. [b]LOL. [/b]Thanks in advanced. :*
[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]Yeah, you say it b4. nah,i didn't notice too.
My sleeep good too. but still sleepy here. i'm sleep late last night.[/quote]
[b]LOL[/b], haha.

I sleep later than you, I think. Maybe 3am? O.o
Chat with you tommorow. (: