[quote=Trixx.xii]Sheccccksss. Hello Philippines. XD
Im currently here in the Philippines, Manila Hoteel.
Daaaamnn. Can't waiitttt to see the famous Moa. Buhaha[/quote]
Waaaaah! hehe. Sosyal! Manila Hotel. xD
uhmm..Welcome to Philippines, btw.

[nag-ala-tourist guide ba? xD]
Waaaah! Saayaaang! Duuun ako kahapon sa MOA. Tsk.
Wag kang mawawala dun ah!

[quote=anne.24]good >:3
call me spammer, i'm fine with it too xD
o yeah, food
me love food xD
yeah, time flies so fast, i hate time xP[/quote]
Eh..I knew it!

You lab food! here..
I have some!

Yeah..I wiosh time could stand still.

[b]I will miss 2008!!! [/b]
[quote=obsessed95]Aww, same here. Repu system ko? Ohh, I forgot to enable it. LOL. Thanks in advanced. :*[/quote]
OK. ok. Pag inenble mo na..Asahan mo ako ang mauuna.

[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]sure. when? with who?[/quote]
hehe..Uyy! You're Excited!

uhmm..Let's just wait for the leader to announce,ok.
Soo, Mustah na?