[b]when i was in highschool:
1st yr:
- Algebra
- Science
- Intro to Drafting
2nd yr:
- Algebra 2
- Earth Science
- Into to Geometry
- Intro to Chemistry
- Journalism
- Electronics (in THE)
3rd yr:
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Intro to Physics
- Chemistry
- Journalism
- Robotics
- Drafting
- Speech and Drama (English)
4th yr:
- Intermediate Algebra
- Analytic Geometry
- Architecture (on Drafting)
- Food Technology
- Advanced Chemistry
- Physics
- Technical Writing (English)
in college? im taking up industrial engineering now...
1st yr/1st sem
- college algebra
- plane trigonometry
- society and culture
- drawing lab 1a
1st yr/2nd sem
- analytic geometry
- solid mensuration
- economics
- english communication 2
- drawing lab 1b
2nd yr/1st sem
- differential calculus
- computer programming lab
- autocad 2a
2nd yr/2nd sem
- integral calculus
- materials science
- physics 2 lab
that is i think for now...
[i]mas onti sakin marengweng! wehehehe[/i][/b]