Re: if you are giving a chance to have a loveteam,
Who do you think is the best couple here in ftalk. ? :D
For me its [b]shirow[/b] and [b]yuna[/b].. :lol:=D
[quote=vbuzz3r]nikz11 & xo0ox [/quote]
vbuzz3r and xiru.
lola potpot and lolo jems. LOL.
lola potpot and lolo jems. still. haha.
lola auring (babykidx) and jhaAayred something? haha.. dunno..
lola auring (babykidx) and FallOutBoy.
lola auring (babykidx) and all cbox men. haha..
ill be back with proof. LOL.
and ov course the unbeatable labtims:
anne and dondon.
chaw and james.
carlo and eney.
and danx and patchii.