Re: if you are giving a chance to have a loveteam,
Who do you think is the best couple here in ftalk. ? :D
For me its [b]shirow[/b] and [b]yuna[/b].. :lol:=D
Bro Rei and Sisz Chariz or = Charei
- these two person are my bff and I help the guy to the girl and me and the girl make fantasies.. Want some proof?? search pages
Mare/malow and Chan =machal
- actually i know something about it.. I talked to chan for him to be a suitor of malow and he totally agree.. and others are the secrets of me, malow, and chan
Anne and Dondon =donne- these two persons are so close to me.. I miss them both coz' they left TS.. In the conferences they are so sweet and according to what both of them tells me (their love story) it was very in labing
Layne and BFF
- he's there for me and I appretiate that.. It kinda hurt coz I help him with the girl she likes.. but that's me I'll do everything to make my lab happy even if i need to sacrifice my love for him.. hope you know hu u are