Wow, I have another repu!! [i]Arigato[/i]

[b]@Shirow Masamune[/b]
Oh the scrollbar thing

I checked your profile and you need to edit
and change the iframe scrolling from yes to [b][color=#FF0000]no[/color][/b]
here is your new var reviews code
[quote]var reviews;
try {reviews = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){reviews = document.createElement("<div>");}
reviews.setAttribute("style","text-align:left;font-weight:bold; font-family: Comic Sans MS;");
reviews.innerHTML = "<div style='padding-bottom:20px;margin-bottom:25px;height:580px;overflow:auto;background-color:#000000; border:4px inset #ffff33; center;font-family: Comic Sans MS;'><div align='center'><font color=#ffff33; font size=2><img src=''WIDTH=21HEIGHT=21>~My Reviews~<img src=''WIDTH=21HEIGHT=21></font></div><br><br><hr><div align='left'>Posted: 9/7/2007</div><br><a href=''target='_blank'><img src='' style='float:left;height='75' width='75'></a><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='#ffffff'> Radio.Blog.Club</font><br> Website<br><b> Rating:<b> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>/<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><br><br><br><br> I Present to you the a site with unlimited bandwidth for songs(yahoo) before i knew imeem i was using this first ever since im in first year high school the site was useful to me in 3 years actually i accidentally found this site by my self because i was searching for anime songs in the net until i found radioblog wahahah.... if you want to join the club and be one of the radioblog user im sure this will be useful to you here is my playlist in radioblog if you to have a playlist like this better join now..<br><div align=\'center\' id=\'radio\'><iframe frameborder=0 scrolling=[color=#FF0000][b]no[/b][/color] height=300 width=250 src=''></iframe></div>i want to promote this site as much as i can...this is my thanks giving for the site for being useful these past 3 years...<br><i><font color=#ffffff; font size=1>thanks to diabolicious for this about putting RBC in Friendster arigato dude</font></i><br><br><hr><div align='left'>Posted: 9/2/2007</div><br><a href=''target='_blank'><img src='' style='float:left;height='75' width='75'></a><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='#ffffff'> Nobuta wo Produce</font><br> J-Drama<br><b> Rating:<b> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>/<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><br><br><br><br> This is a pretty fun show. Nobuta wo Produce is a ten-episode Japanese drama series (with plenty of comedy thrown in) that follows the attempts of two high school students (one popular and well-liked, the other a flighty and unpopular dingbat) to produce Nobuko Kotani, a new female classmate of theirs. Nobuko, you see, is constantly bullied by her peers, and after witnessing some of this abuse the two students feel sorry enough for her that they decide to try to turn her into the most popular girl in school -- by producing her in the same manner that record companies manufacture pop starlets. They've got their work cut out for them: Nobuko (adeptly played by Maki Horikita, who had a small role as Tsuyoshi's younger sister in Densha Otoko) rarely speaks (and tends to stutter when she does), is terrified at the idea of interacting with others, and scares people whenever she tries to smile.<br><object width='260' height='260'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='260' height='260'></embed></object><br>Here's the first episodes of Nobuta wo produce<i>Enjoy</i><br><br><br><hr><div align='left'>Posted: 7/16/2007</div><br><a href=''target='_blank'><img src='' style='float:left;height='95' width='95'></a><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='#ffffff'> Cresent - Album </font><br> Artist:GackT<br><b> Rating:<b> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>/<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><br><br><br><br>The song <i>Mind Forest</i> It's classic Gackt. Returner~Yami no Shuen~ has a flute a lot like Mind Forest in the Crescent album, but that doesn't stop it from being the kind of beautiful and dramatic song we have come to expect from Gackt. The other songs here are also wonderful. Birdcage, one of my favorite songs from Crescent album, makes it way back into everyone's heart, painting a beautiful picture without even needing to know the lyrics. His voice is just as amazing as ever, here's the song hope you will like it...<div align='left'><object width='250' height='90'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='250' height='90' wmode='transparent'></embed></object></div>this song was used to be the ending theme for the movie <b>Gundam Zeta II- ,Lovers ,</b>sung by: Gackt<br><br><br><hr><div align='left'>Posted: 6/18/2007</div><br><a href=''target='_blank'><img src='' style='float:left;height='75' width='75'></a><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='#ffffff'> L`arc~en~Ciel Mania</font><br> Artist:L’arc~en~Ciel<br><b> Rating:<b> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>/<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><br><br><br><br><center><object width='300' height='290'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='300' height='290' wmode='transparent'></embed></object></center><br><div align='left'>L’Arc~en~Ciel are a respectable rock band–few keyboards, lots of crunchy guitars, decent songwriting. I tried to evaluate them not as an anime fan, but as a music lover, and while their brand of 90s rock isn’t usually my taste, they played the songs that I knew pretty well. The band consist by 4 member one of them is my j-rock idol <b>HYDE!!</b>(Hideto Takarai)</div><br><br><br><hr><div align='left'>Posted: 5/24/2007</div><br><a href=''target='_blank'><img src='' style='float:left;height='75'width='75'></a><font face='Comic Sans MS' color='#ffffff'> NANA Movie Original Soundtrack</font><br> Artist:Yuna Ito<br><b> Rating:<b> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>/<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><br><br><br><br><div align='left'><i>Endless Story</i> By Yuna Ito In Video!</div><object width='270' height='270'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='270' height='270'></embed></object><br>actually this song is a soundtrack from the movie NANA and i love that movie and the song of course ^^ A very nice touching song, Endless Story sang by Yuna Ito feature in Nana The Movie as Reira in band Trapnest. I am sure this video clip will touched your heart </div>";
Last edited by diabolicious (2007-09-07 07:24:21)