Pages: 1234567..7

  2007-09-09 10:01:59

» n00b
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Re: [align=center][img][/img][/align] [b]Preview:[/b] Well... If you cant follow the [url=http://fr

[quote=diabolicious][align=center][url][/url][/align] [b]Preview:[/b] Well... If you cant follow the [url=]1st Version[/url] tutorial this one is for you try creating an account in and login then simply find a song that you want then click the heart shape icon on the song title and click add to favorites [url][/url] When you think you've chosen a lot of songs Go to favorites its on the top right of the page [url][/url] Click the [b]Detach button[/b] on your playlist [url][/url] after clicking detach your playlist will pop-up in a new window view the source of your playlist by pressing [b]CTRL + U[/b] when using firefox or right the areas that I've painted and click view page source [url][/url] then look for the [b]Playlistpath URL[/b] the code should look like this [quote]playlistPath=[b][/b][/quote] copy the URL starting from http up to id=?????? then open your notepad and paste this code just edit the Playlistpath URL to the URL you got from the source [quote]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> RadioBlog.playlist = '[b]Playlistpath URL[/b]'; RadioBlog.width = '550px'; RadioBlog.height = '320px'; RadioBlog.color.body = '#cc0000'; RadioBlog.color.border = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.button = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.player_text = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.playlist_text = '#FFFFFF'; RadioBlog.autoplay.tracknum = '2'; RadioBlog.crossfader = 0; RadioBlog.cover = '0'; RadioBlog.start(); </script> </body> </html>[/quote] Save the file as [b]WTF.php[/b] and upload it on your ripway account Then add this on your compiled js or JS extension [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){diabolic()})) window.onload = function(){onod()}; function diabolic() { var thesidebar="<div align=\"center\" id=\"radio\"><iframe frameborder=0 scrolling=yes height=330 width=100% src=[b]YOUR WTF.php goes here[/b]></iframe></div>"; addSideBar("MY MUSIC",thesidebar,"div_side"); } function addSideBar(head,htm,div_id) { var innerHtm=htm; var cont= "<div id='"+div_id+"' class='commonbox "+div_id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+div_id+"'>"+ innerHtm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; try { var obj=document.createElement("<li>"); } catch(e) { var obj=document.createElement("li"); } var x=document.getElementById("friends_2_2"); x.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(obj); obj.innerHTML=cont; }[/quote] This one uses radioblogclub bandwidth which is unlimited so you can add as many song as you want Just login using your radioblogclub account and you can add songs in your playlist anytime anywhere _________________________________________________________________________________ :arrow: [b]Updates[/b] Set the options of your - To display the cover album of your tracks you can add this codes before RadioBlog.start(); RadioBlog.cover = '1'; - To make your autoplay you can add any 1 of the following codes before RadioBlog.start(); <"><"><">- To set the default value of the playlist function you can add any 1 of the following codes before RadioBlog.start(); <"><"><">To make your Playlist Transparent Open Notepad and Paste this code and save as [b]luisgoco.js[/b] [quote]/************************************************** * * 03.04.2006 * * Luis Goco **************************************************/ // ======= RADIO.BLOG ========================================================================================================================= var RadioBlog = { basepath: '', playlist: '', id: 0, width: '200px', height: '400px', file: '', cover : 1, skin: 'default', background:'', debug: '0', shuffle: 0, crossfader: 1, replay: 1, color: { body: '#FFFFFF', border: '#CCCCCC', button: '#CCCCCC', player_text: '#BDC3C7', playlist_text: '#999999' }, autoplay: { tracknum: '', title: '', playlistnum: '', playlist: '', trackmod: '' }, // CREATE RADIO.BLOG createPlayer: function() { // SET COLORS var val; var colors = '&colors='; for (val in this.color) { colors += val+':'+this.color[val]+';'; } // SET PATH var paths; if (this.playlist != '') paths = '&playlistPath='+this.playlist; if (this.file != '') paths = '&filepath='+this.file; if (this.cover != '') paths += '&cover=' + this.cover; if (this.shuffle != '') paths += '&shuffle=' + this.shuffle; if (this.crossfader != '') paths += '&crossfader=' + this.crossfader; if (this.replay != '') paths += '&replay=' + this.replay; if (this.background != '') paths += '&background=' + this.background; // SET AUTOPLAYS (autoplay is executed only if at least one of this parameters is send : trackmod, title, tracknum) var val; var autoplays = ''; for (val in this.autoplay) { if(this.autoplay[val] != '') autoplays += '&'+val+'='+this.autoplay[val]+''; } var content = '<embed style="-moz-opacity:0.90; filter:alpha(opacity=90), finishopacity=90, startx=90, style=0" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ' +' src="'+RadioBlog.basepath+'/skins/''/player.swf" allowScriptAccess="always"' +' width="'+this.width+'" height="'+this.height+'" ' +' bgcolor="'+this.color.body+'" ' +' id="radioblog_player_''" ' +' FlashVars="' +'id=' +paths +colors +autoplays +'"' +'></embed>'; if (this.debug == '1') alert(content); return content; }, start: function(where) {; if (typeof where == 'undefined') { document.write('<div id="radioblog_''" style="width:'+this.width+'; height:'+this.height+';"></div>'); var where = document.getElementById('radioblog_'; } where.innerHTML = this.createPlayer(); }, info: function(id,info) { var rbObj = document.getElementById('radioblog_player_'+id); rbObj.title = info; }, searchLyrics: function(trackName) { if (RadioBlog.debug == '1') alert(trackName);''+escape(trackName)+'&client=pub-9107944072945632&channel=7588634332'); }, searchArtist: function(artist) { if (RadioBlog.debug == '1') alert(artist);''+escape(artist)+'&client=pub-9107944072945632&channel=2414323561'); }, buyThisTrack: function(trackName) { if (RadioBlog.debug == '1') alert(trackName);''+escape(trackName)); }, isPlaying: function(trackName) { if (RadioBlog.debug == '1') alert(trackName); for (val in this.isPlaying) { var isFunction = this.isPlaying[val]; if(typeof isFunction == 'function') eval(isFunction(trackName)); } } }[/quote] Upload it to your file hosting account [b](ripway,fileave,fileden etc.)[/b] Open the [b]WTF.php[/b] and change the bolded part of the code to luisgoco.js url [quote]<head> <script type="text/javascript" src="[b][/b]"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> RadioBlog.playlist = '[b]Playlistpath URL[/b]'; RadioBlog.width = '550px'; RadioBlog.height = '320px'; RadioBlog.color.body = '#cc0000'; RadioBlog.color.border = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.button = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.player_text = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.playlist_text = '#FFFFFF'; RadioBlog.autoplay.tracknum = '2'; RadioBlog.crossfader = 0; RadioBlog.cover = '0'; RadioBlog.start(); </script> </body> </html>[/quote] You can test the effect by adding background to your playlist - To add a background to your, add this line before RadioBlog.start(); <">[/quote] what does this mean----"Then add this on your compiled js or JS extension"? does it mean that i just have to paste it on my customize css box together with the other codes??? HELP!

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