2007-09-18 12:20:09

» FTalkFreak
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Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=tomms]wew................ bang kanal online............... bang................. cara nambah box gimana? coba liat fs tommy sebelah slide kan kosong............. tommy mau nambah box kek bang yan :D[/quote] Waduh terus terang abang gak begitu mengerti Java Script addbox bro Tomms. Coba deh bro Tomms tanyakan sama Jeng Anna atau dengan Bro Yanz sendiri OK :D :D :arrow: [b]Pro : Coepriet[/b] ENTER PAGE abang itu pakai beberapa macam script bro. Ada plain HTML yang menggunakan tabel plus beberapa Java Script biasa (mouse trail + status bagian bawah yang menunjukkan waktu dan tanggal). Ini script ENTER PAGE HTML abang dah silahkan diedit sesuai keinginan OK :D :D [quote]<html> <head> <title>[b]TEXT UTK STATUS BAR DI ATAS PAGE KAMU[/b]</title> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealTrans(Duration=3.0,Transition=23)"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .mouse { position:absolute; visibility:visible; top:-50px; font-size:14px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; color:white; } body { width:100%; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; } --> </style> <script> var x,y var step=20 var doit=0 var text="[b]TEXT UTK MOUSE TRAILER KAMU[/b] " text=text.split("") var xpos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=text.length-1;i++) { xpos[i]=-50 } var ypos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=text.length-1;i++) { ypos[i]=-50 } function anddo(e){ x = (document.layers) ? e.pageX : document.body.scrollLeft+event.clientX y = (document.layers) ? e.pageY : document.body.scrollTop+event.clientY doit=1 } function trail() { if (doit==1 && document.all) { for (i=text.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<text.length-1; i++) { var place = eval("span"+(i)+".style") place.posLeft=xpos[i] place.posTop=ypos[i] } } else if (doit==1 && document.layers) { for (i=text.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<text.length-1; i++) { var place = eval("document.span"+i) place.left=xpos[i] place.top=ypos[i] } } var timer=setTimeout("trail()",30) } </script> <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealTrans(Duration=3.0,Transition=23)"> </head> <script language="JavaScript"> function doClock() { window.setTimeout( "doClock()", 1000 ); today = new Date(); self.status = today.toString(); } doClock() </script> <script> <!-- Beginning of JavaScript - for (i=0;i<=text.length-1;i++) { document.write("<span id='span"+i+"' class='mouse'>") document.write(text[i]) document.write("</span>") } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = anddo; // - End of JavaScript - --> </script> <body onLoad="trail()"> <body bgcolor='[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]'> <TABLE BORDER=7 CELLSPACING=5 CELLPADDING=5 WIDTH=100%> <TR HEIGHT=200> <TD WIDTH100 ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><img src="[b]URL PIC[/b]"></a></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER=7 CELLSPACING=5 CELLPADDING=5 WIDTH=100%> <TR HEIGHT=120> <TD WIDTH=5% ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><a href="http://www.friendster.com"><img src="[b]URL PIC 1[/b]"></a></TD> <TD WIDTH=30% ROWSPAN=2 ALIGN=center VALIGN=top BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><br><img src="[b]URL PIC 2[/b]"><br><br><BODY SIZE="3" TEXT="WHITE"><B>[b]EDIT TEXT UTK TENGAH PROFILEMU DISINI[/b]</BODY></B></a></TD> <TD WIDTH=5% ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><a href="http://www.friendster.com/sendmessage.php?uid=[b]XXXXXX[/b]"><img src="[b]URL PIC 3[/b]"></a></TD> </TR> <TR HEIGHT=120> <TD WIDTH=30% ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><a href="http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]XXXXXX[/b]"><img src="[b]URL PIC 4[/b]"></a></TD> <TD WIDTH=30% ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=[b]#HEX COLOR[/b]><a href="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]XXXXXX[/b]"><img src="[b]URL PIC 5[/b]"></a></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </body> </head> </html>[/quote] :arrow: [b]XXXXXX[/b] ganti dengan FS ID kamu :arrow: [b]#HEX COLOR[/b] ganti dengan HEX COLOR kesukaanmu :arrow: [b]URL PIC[/b] ganti dengan picmu sendiri Mudah2an bisa dimengerti sama teman2 FTI'ers semua OK :thumbsup: :thumbsup: [b]UPDATE[/b] :arrow: Request from [b]Coeprit[/b] URL PIC 1 :arrow: Home URL PIC 2 :arrow: Pic apa saja terserah (kalau di ENTER PAGE aku ini pic aku sendiri) URL PIC 3 :arrow: Send Message URL PIC 4 :arrow: View Profile URL PIC 5 :arrow: Add Comment Sebenarnya letak URL beserta picnya bisa dirubah-rubah kok asal pic beserta URL linknya disesuaikan OK :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Last edited by KaNaLiTnUk (2007-09-18 13:40:49)

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