[quote=wHitEy-cHaN]haha i also loved the part that Roy shaked Black Hayate after saying : "A GOOD DOG!"
hahahaha!!!! And i also loved the part where Roy and Ed had a duel fight and before the duel started Hughes introduced Roy and the crowd says "Give me a promotion like him! Give back my [b]girlfriend[/b]!" hahahahaha!!!!!! That was the funniest ep ever!!! hahahaha[/quote]
i like that part too.. FLAME vs. FULLMETAL.. it's really funny.. i like ed's expression when he sees roy's left gloves.. that's from the episode 13 too..
ed's expression..
and ed's expression here is funny.. when roy is going to attak him and the other soldiers..
[quote=capt.safeguard123]Im a newbie..

for me its edward elric.

because he is young but he can beat old people..
roy mustang is cool too,but edward is the best..
the base camp need his help to execute the enemy..

so..my answer is edward elric...
because my real name is elrico..hehe..[/quote]
whow your name is near Ed's surname Elric.. and Elric in japanese is Erurikku - エルリック
Last edited by tetums (2007-10-15 16:23:52)