Due to some[b] CRITICIZING[/b] of those know-all-being, i updated this tutorial in [b]MUCH EASIER WAY[/b] for there is many ways of animating in [b]PHOTOSHOP and IMAGEREADY[/b]. The tutorial below is the basic of animation using photoshop and imageready.
[b][i](CRItiCS, if you know much more easier way than this tutorial create your own thread. don't boast here that you know a lot if you can't show it off or can't help others who want to learn

1. Open Photoshop (any version between PS6 to PS CS2) first. Create new file with 72 PPI.
2. Type one character each on separate layer. Fill the characters with any color you like.
3. The file will look like this.
4. The layer palette of photoshop will look like this. Observe it carefully. Save your file.
5. File > Jump To > Image Ready
6. Image Ready will get opened.
7. Animation palette of the file will contain only one frame.
8. Press 8th button from the bottom left which Duplicates current frame. Create one more frame. Total frames will be 2.
9. Select second frame. There will be one character each on separate layer. With the help of Move Tool, move R towards left. U towards top and N towards right. Let the characters go out of the frame.
10. Drag the first frame to the right so the place of the frames will be interchanged.
11. Select the first frame. In the Animation Palette click the small triangle at right top (marked with red circle).
Click Tween. The dialog box will appear. Select the number of frames you want to add for animation. Click OK.
12. The Animation palette will turn into this.
13. There is a small black triangle displaying 0 sec at the bottom of each frame in the Animation palette (marked with green ellipse). It is used to set the time. Click it and set the time. You can select any number of frames at a time by pressing Shift and set the same time for the selected frames.
14. Below the first frame there is a bigger black triangle (marked with blue circle) used to set the looping of the animation. Use it to set the number of time you want to play Animation.
15. After completing the animation try to check the performance in the browser
File > Preview In > Click the browser you want
16. Save the file with
File > Save Optimized or File > Save Optimized As
NOTE: TWEENING is not just the only way.

[b][i]if you find this tutorial helpful, don't forget to say thank you.[/i][/b]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-02-19 11:20:32)