[b]im a heroes addict!! [/b](is it too obvious??)

,, well, i started watcing this when star world aired it here in the philippines, but i cant anticipate for another wednesday so i bought myself a DVD collection of the Season1 (if you are living in the Philippines..u can find a (yes, pirated!) DVD of the season 1 of heroes..no season2 yet!)..I was on a [b]HEROES MARATHON[/b], 24/7 of heroes, i finished the whole season for 5 days coz i still have school but if you dont have anything to do and ure just stuck at home, you'd probably finish 1 DVD season for 2 days!! (1 day, no sleeping included..)
Im so waiting for the Season 2, C/S is just finishing the season1 tomorrow...RPN (philippine channel) Channel 9 will be showing the very first episode of the follow-up season on October 28 (sunday at 8:00PM --Philippine Time)
ive made a post of this show on TV sec too..for all the heroes addict like me please please please view this thread..

[url=http://theftalk.com/t13658-Which-hero-wuld-like-why%3F.html/]HEROES POLL[/url]
The Heroes mention on my thread are all from season1..