[quote=cutest08;#3507868;1270284403]Will you come?
Anyway, Love your sig Push-unnie. Black Pearl <3 . Its okay. Im hook up with Run Devil Run.[/quote]
I dont know yet
I knoww. im so hooked wif run devil run~ Its a winrar for SNSD!
I like how tiff xplained it, that Oh! was more for boys. But run devil run is more for girls.
For women emporwment. Wut a good move for snsd!
[quote=Nickay;#3508110;1270296139]PUSH!! i really love yar new siggy!!! so cool and pretttttyyyyy!! kyaa!! XD[/quote]
I knwww! I changed it, it ws a little big. And alsuu added one more frame
I ddnt make the whole sig tho, got it from PB
[quote=Nickay;#3508110;1270296139]wohhoo! my heenim is on the 18th place [at least his on the list!! ] and donghae !! woah! donghae is in the 2nd place?? omedetou!! tiffany, taeyon and yoona are there!! omedetou!! congrats to all of you for being cute!! ahehe..[/quote]
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! why isnt my dubu onew there??? T_____________T
He will be forever cute~! He shdu be number 1
Seunghyun isnt there alsu, but hongki is.