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  2010-04-15 10:55:10

» n00b
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[quote][align=center][img][/img][/align][/quote] [align=center][b]SLASHED[/b] I

[b]Chapter 2[/b] Aguinaldo Academy (7 : 30 am) "Wanna hang out?" she said. (wenk wenk...she didn't say what you thought she would...didn't you? :lol2:) "," I swallowed hard,was I hearing right? the prettiest girl I've ever seen just asked me out...wait,shouldn't I be the one to ask her out?? figures. =| "Sure," I finally say,later,after school. Once I got inside the classroom though,my luck dropped to zero. "What do you mean classes are canceled?!?!" :aaa: I ask almost screaming. "Mr. Mendoza,please keep your voice down," my teacher says "because of an even involving the war, students 12 above are required to study only Grammar and Language,English of course,for two hours,the rest of school hours will be used for training,is it clear now?" I can see the impatience in her eyes,I knew that she already explained this before by just listening to the tone of her voice,and I also know that she's not very enthusiastic about explaining it again. :disgust: "No it's not clear," I say again,my voice lowering. "What event do you mean,is it like a holiday,cuz' I would prefer it if it would be canceled." The only reason why I didn't want for this to happen was because we weren't suppose to start training until our 3rd year high school. I know that you,reader,must think "training,this is interesting,might be fun too," but trust me,I saw the older kids train,and it wasn't a very good thing for children my age. Long story short,training is learning to kill so that we can defend ourselves from foreigners who may be plotting murder. :disgust: "Mr. Mendoza,if you do not stay silent,I will personally bring you to the principal's office," I sit down and glared at her. "Rebels," she says "Rebels from different countries,and yes,also from here," she says while looking at my class Anna who was just about to raise her hand :wave: "have escaped together to a small island. They are a group of people who have gathered together to think of how to end the war. No one knows who they are so they could still easily go back in to their home countries,thus,learning the secrets,plans,defenses,fighting styles, and strategies of their country. After,they go back to the island and share information. They were soon able to compile everything they know in a computer hidden in the island." "But can't we just,you know,sneak in and copy the files in the computer?" my classmate,and also best friend Justin asks. (Justin Beadles,by the way,is American,his family just changed citizenship a few years ago "A lot of countries,including ours,have tried,but they could not locate the computer." my teacher replies sadly. =( "But,what does that have to do with this?" I ask,my patience draining quickly. "I'm getting to that," my teacher says giving me the shut-up-or-else look "the rebels didn't know what to do with the information and they knew that more and more countries will try to infiltrate their new home as long as they have the file. Soon,they decided that they should just give the information to another country,therefore,automatically,giving them the advantage in the war." "This still doesn't explain the-" I begin to say but my classmate,Justin (he was sitting beside me) elbowed me in the ribs. Yeow!! :poke: "But,they couldn't decide on which country to give the file too,so they made a tournament called the Peace Wars. (cheesy name right? :xp) The Peace Wars is a tournament for children 12 to 18. Three children are chosen to fight in an island,discovered yet again by the rebels,to the death. But they made it more difficult than it has to be,only one should be left standing,which means that allies will have to kill each other as well." [spoiler][b]oniongurl[/b] : tnx,okay,i'm gnna see if i'm gnna be able to continue the girl and the book,just not now cuz i'm too sleepy to think..hehe and tnx for the site by the way,it helped a lot :D [b]huggable_kc[/b] :'s actually both...haha :xp [b]dweller[/b] : here's another update then :) Invite as many people as you can to read this,haha,jowk,but feel free to do so is you wanna Note : Banner is at the top,is it okay? or do I have to change it??:/[/spoiler]

Last edited by Mr.Quigs (2010-04-16 03:28:52)

Pages: 1

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