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  2010-04-16 05:40:53

» n00b
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[quote][align=center][img][/img][/align][/quote] [align=center][b]SLASHED[/b] I

[b]Chapter 3[/b] Aguinaldo Academy (9 : 30) 2 hours later I walk in the locker room after the Grammar and Language class to change into the training clothes,which is just a t-shirt with a vest which was kinda hard and also thick,a pair of jeans, and rubber shoes. While changing,Justin approaches me,carrying his clothes on one hand and his training gear in the other. so he was half naked. (don't worry reader,half naked means he was still wearing boxer shorts and an undershirt ;)) "What do you think they'll have us do?" he asks,his blond hair shaking because he himself was also shaking. I've got to be honest with you reader,even if Justin was like me,and by me,I mean not that popular,he had looks that made me jealous. (and I also want to make it clear that just because I told you he had looks means I'm gay...just informing you :yes:) "I dunno,maybe like gym,you know,running laps,rock climbing,swimming,long monkey bars,the usual." I reply,though I wasn't really sure myself. "Yeah,maybe,maybe,so,um,got a partner yet?" "A what?!" nobody told me about partners. "Yeah,weren't you listening when Ms. Jackie told us that we had to pick a partner,and by the way,since the number of boys and girls in our class is equal,you'll have to pick a girl as a partner. "What?! who's yours then?" "May" "May?? woah dude,how'd you get her to be your partner?" May was like,the second cutest girl in class,next to Jess. :o "I dunno,it happened real quick,one minute I was like,woah,we have to pick girls as our what? and the next minute,May asked me to be my partner,maybe it's a girl thing?" "Yep,maybe she likes you," I'm not usually good with this love stuff,but a guy can guess,can he? :D "Maybe she does," and with that,he walks away forgetting that I was there. I'm dead :x_x:,coach was already telling us to go with our partners,and I'm the only one who stood still cuz' I didn't have one. The moment that the my classmates got settled, I looked around,where was my partner? "Sorry I'm late coach,it's just me and this suit don't work well together," I turn around,and I saw Jess,wait a sec,Jess?! :O I thought that by now that she had a partner,namely Nick,who was after her the moment he saw her. "Alright then," coach said,ignoring Jess "now that everybody's got there partners,follow me." As we walk,I whisper to Jess "I thought Nick was your partner,like always?" "I didn't say I liked being his partner,all he ever does is stare at me,and besides,I have someone else I want to be partners with,and lucky me cuz' I got my wish." I couldn't help but stare at her,Jess,the girl who I didn't usually spend time with,the girl who every boy in my class wanted to date,was MY partner...SCORE!!! :d But,like I said 2 hours ago,my luck was already down to zero. Turns out,what we did in gym was nothing compared to what we were gonna do. Coach led us to a part of the school I haven't seen before. The training room was full of targets,dummies,and harder courses. Coach gave us each a box full with weapons. (A dozen throwing knives, 2 swords,a small tube that extended to a javelin,a dozen arrows with a matching bow,and a net to be exact =|) "You and your partners will each record each others points while trying out all these weapons,I know that some of you will be newbies at this but others like Drake,Nick,Anna,Jess and Chase already know how to use some of these weapons. (Yep,as mad as it sounds,I have used a javelin as well as throwing knives before :yes:) Now,there are a lot of courses to try so no fighting over one,if you were to late,wait patiently for your turn. Yoare given until 11 : 30 to train. After,you will take a 30 minute lunch break then after 10 minutes,you will continue till 3 : 00,you may go home then as soon as you give me your recording for the day." Coach then starts walking to the door "I'll check on you every once in awhile to make sure everything's fine,so go and start training,you'll need those skills if you get picked to fight in the Peace wars. The last thing I heard was the sound of the door closing. I knew that today was just the beginning of a very hard week. :no: [spoiler][b]micahgarcia[/b] : thanks Like the chapter......................cuz I didn',no just kidding,i'm just messing with you :d hope you like it :D[/spoiler]

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