i play:
[b]Conquer Online [/b] - As of now
[b]Gunbound[/b] - got hacked

[b]Audition[/b] - im noob there!!

[b]Diablo[/b] - i like it's graphics!!
[b]Warcraft or DOTA[/b] - nice game also

[b]StarCraft[/b] - play as pastime only
[b]Battle Realms[/b] - im addict in this game before

i like Lotus!!
[b]Red Alert[/b] - before im addicted too
[b]Brigandine[/b] - a playstation game whose graphics so cool
[b]Suikoden[/b] - another playstation game all about war and friendship

[b]Super Mario[/b] - i play oftentimes
i think i already mentioned games that i played so far