[quote=u_dont_matter_anymore;#3540388;1272096978]we talked in the phone na kaya.. when Rissa's subscribed to superunli haha..
yeaahhh.. my cmate has a backstage pass given by her cous' gf.. errr...[/quote]
I think I remember that phone call. O.o Idk.
OMO~ Backstage pass?! Lucky!
[quote=u_dont_matter_anymore;#3540388;1272096978]wow!! I haven't watched that yet..! weee....[/quote]
Try to watch it, it's fun.
[quote=u_dont_matter_anymore;#3540388;1272096978]yeahhh.. he's realllyyyy, reallllyyy cute!!!
and Eli is soooo handsome.. Kevin is really matured in person..[/quote]
Whoa, I didn't expect Soohyun's cute. XD Eli, no doubt, he's really hensam~
Kevin is matured?! Really?
what about Dongho?