Okay.. Just wanna advertise my fan fic
[align=center][size=4][color=red][url=http://theftalk.com/t69182-My-K-Pop-Idol-1--I-Hate-and-Love-You.html]I Hate and Love You[/url][/color][/size][/align]
starring SHINee's Choi Minho
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3547754;1272370900]Though I'm not a fan of U-kiss, I still envy you and also them. I hope they will come here someday

It feels good to have a Korean boyband who speak English.

Soohyun boy looked really cute in the photo with you. Why didn't you take photos with the other as well?
Waaah, in U-kiss I currently like Eli. He looks good.

because there was only one photographer, and he was on Soohyun's side. and I kinda forgot that there was after seeing them and shaking hands with them..

Ohhh..!! Me too! He's my fave among the 7!!
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3547754;1272370900]Man, this boy can be scary at times.[/quote]
lol'd at the pic too much!! hahah! Key is scary!!
[quote=*nicz.love;#3548004;1272376751]Oh~ I see. You're really lucky! As in! Tsk, I wanna see them. I really need to save. :-J

yeaa.. save.save.save. then there are rumours that SHINee will have mall tour here too.. OHGGAAAADD!! then SS3 in February..aish. fangirling costs so much!!