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  2010-05-22 01:30:53

» FTalker
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OFMG. Eto nanaman. Nacconfuse nnman ako XDD Kasi eto naman, alam nya yung pinakafav ni Chaileen. Haha :lol3: Nagseselos! Haha. Anyway. UPDATE NAH~ Can`t Wait. :lol3:

[quote=oniongurl;#3594437;1274432642]I want Gummi Bears too wahaha~ Haha. Ang sama talaga ni Eun >: Sino kaya nagbayad? Sige, update na~[/quote] Lol, I was about to put mnm's sana pero parang mas may sense yung gummiebears eh; HAHAHAHA.k :))) [quote=cutest08;#3594489;1274434077]Gummy Bears! Haha. Kainis naman yan Eun Young Nayan! naku, baka di talaga siya yun??? Oh baka si Tae Jun! HaHa. UPDATE nah~[/quote] Haha! I better keep my mouth shut. :p haha! Eto na eto na ;) Btw, do you want me to pm you too whenever a new chapter is out? _______________________________________________________________________________ [quote][font="Impact"][size=6][color=#A0522D]Chapter Three[/color][/size][/font] [spoiler]A week had gone by and I still hadn't seen him. Whenever I thought about that night...I felt like I was rubbing salt into a fresh wound. For someone that I've known for three months, I did not recognize him at all. When we were together all I could think about was summer break and that when it finally does come; I'd get to go back to Korea and see him. But like all other things in life, this plan of course did not work out. I was not someone who shed tears easily but ever since I've met him, I've cried. I could not someone like him could take up such a big spot in my heart. Sure, I've had other relationships none of them online; breaking up with them didn't hurt this much. Even though I've known him for those three short months- I felt like I had gotten to know someone enough to last me a lifetime. My heart still felt like it was slowly bleeding and the tears haven't stopped. "Chai shin-ah..."I felt Jung In oppa nudging me a little. "Yes, oppa?" I forced a small smile. "Are you okay?" His eyes were filled with sympathy. Although I loved my older brother, I knew there were many things I could not tell him. Especially about Park Eun Young. He would've walked over to their house, dragged him out by the collar, and beaten the living out of him while I watched. "I'm fine! Quit looking at me like that!" I mumbled. "Did you finally apply for school here?" "No. I was thinking about getting a job...I feel bad asking money from ommah and appah..." "They're your parents. They are SUPPOSED to support their kids, you know?" "I know...but maybe I'll just get a little job..." "Do you want oppa to help you find a job?" He asked. "That'd be nice oppa..." "Okay, okay. I'll look around and ask my buddies if they're hiring anywhere." He ruffled my hair a little. I always hated it when he did that, it made me feel like some sort of pet. But today, his gesture was actually heart warming and comforting. "NOOONAAAA! I'm HOMEEEEE!" I could hear a shout coming from the front foyer. "Oh..Jae Yung-ah...we just made some want some?" I asked. Jae Yung entered the kitchen. Once his eyes saw the steaming hot ramyun, he dropped his book bag and ran towards the dining table. "OH EM GEEEE, I'm so hungry!" He quickly snatched the chopstick out of my hand and grabbing a big bunch of the steaming hot noodles; he shoved it all into his mouth. In a second , he dropped the chopsticks and started to fan his mouth a little. "HOT..HOT!" Oppa and I watched as the idiot tried to cool his mouth off by asking us to blow air in it but we both ignored him and continued to eat. After we finished eating, Jae Yung and I forced Jung In oppa to wash the dishes while we went upstairs to the room. "Noona...I don't know if I should tell you but I feel like I should tell you but then I really don't know if you want me to tell you...." "Spit it out, Shin Jae Yuung." I cocked an eyebrow. He seems pretty nervous. "Well...noona...." AGAIN WITH THE SYMPATHETIC LOOK ! What the hell is up with Shin Jae Yung AND Shin Jung In? "I heard from a sunbae that Park Eun Young actually....has a girlfriend.... butthenofcoursewedon'treallyknowifwecantrustthatsunbaebecauseyouknowhecouldbelyingtome....." ... So that's why you've ignored me? So that's why you've pretended not to know me? Because you effin' cheated on me you ass.hole?! "WAIT. Let me re-phrase, that sunbae didn't actually SAY that he has a girlfriend but he said that he heard Park Eun Young likes this girl...who's actually...the sunbae's cousin....bu-" Before Jae Yung could even finish what he was saying. I found myself running down the stairs and running out the front door. I slammed the door shut and was about to head to Park Eun Young's house to demand an explanation...but found the devil himself pacing around on my driveway. His head darted towards me and he stared at me with huge eyes as if he were a deer that was getting ready to get hit by a car. "Shin Chailleen." His voice as usual had no emotions in it. Now that I'm finally seeing him in front of me, face to face, nothing could come out of my mouth. I had so many questions to ask-but didn't know where to start. "Get lost." I myself was shocked at the words that escaped my lips. Biting my lips and finding some random courage that suddenly appeared out of no where, I walked right past him and onto the sidewalk. "About that night..."He paused. "I'm sorry..." Sorry, just doesn't cut it. Park Eun Young. I continued to walk. I could hear his footsteps behind me quickening. I myself started to walk faster. But of course being the fool that I am, I totally failed to notice the HUGE as.s pothole lying ahead of me. I felt my whole body being thrust forward as my head slammed hard into the concrete sidewalk. There was this shooting pain for a few seconds that shot through my head. I felt someone pulling me up, I didn't turn to look because I knew who it was. I expected him to laugh but not a sound came out. "You should really watch where you're going..." I heard him say as he dusted me off. I continued to stay silent. God, Chailleen. Just say a few words...say a few of the words you wanted to say! I thought of all the bad words that I wanted to call him but for some strange reason- they didn't come out of my mouth. "I heard you're looking for a job......" At his comment, my head shot up. W T F ? How does he know that ? As if he read my mind he replied saying " Your brother called my brother asking if he knew any place that was hiring, my brother didn't know so he asked me instead..." "I don't need your help..."I spat coldly. "Whatever. The place beside my cafe, it's hiring. It's a milkshake shop it's called Milky Milkshakes. They're looking for cute girls to fill a position. I got you the job, it starts later this afternoon at 4pm. It's your choice whether you choose to show up or not..." After saying what he needed to say he headed to his house, leaving me on the sidewalk. Did he just... Did he just call me cute ? I ran back into the house and bolted up to my washroom. Slamming the door shut, I looked at myself in the mirror. "" I muttered as I placed my hands on my forehead. I AM CUTE?!?!?! W T F ?! WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS SAY I'M CUTE ?! IS THIS THEIR WAY OF TELLING ME I'M ONE OF THOSE HORNY GIRLS?! IS THAT THE VIBE THAT I GIVE OUT?! O M F G . NONONO! They always say the cute ones are the horny ones ....does this mean.......he thinks I'm HORNY ?! WHY CAN'T I BE SEXY , DAMN IT! Okay, Okay. Just breathe... I had two options. One was to go to the job that he found and just keep ignoring him. Second option was to ignore what he said completely and find a job on my own, but that would be A LOT harder and would take more effort. When 3:15pm finally rolled around, I decided to say Screw this Throwing aside my pride I changed, grabbed my bag and headed to Milky Milkshakes. Oh gosh . This place is filled with hotties ! Why didn't I come for some milkshakes earlier ?! The door twinkled as I opened it. In a second, 3 really hot guys turned their attention towards me. I gave them a small awkward smile and bowed. " must be Shin Chailleen." The one with the jet black hair said as he hopped over the counter and came to greet me. "My name is Ha Min...we'll be working with you in the future."He said in a formal voice as he extended his hand out. I shook his hand and gave them a small introduction. "You're so cute, Chailleen-ssi." The one with the blonde hair said. "My name is Lee Do Hyeong..." instead of shaking my hands- he sent me a wink instead. Cute ? ....again.... I felt like screaming out 'I'm NOT HORNY' but opted to stay silent instead. Finally the 3rd guy came ...this one I'm going to call smokey because of his smokey body! Dayummm! "NICE TO MEET YOU CHAILLEEN-SSI ! My name is Min Jun...if you ever need any help let me know." He gave me a small wave. I smiled. "um...Ha come I'm the only girl here?" I asked politely. "You can just call us oppa from now on. Well...this cafe was actually to attract more of a girl fan base...but now the boss wants to change it up and start getting boys to come. So we figured we'd need a really cute girl to do that..." Ha Min answered with a grin. "I see..." I nodded. "Chailleen Shin, you don't need to feel shy! We're going to train you today! Are you excited?!" Do Hyeong oppa asked from over the counter. Min Jun oppa handed me the outfit I was supposed to change into while I worked. They were all dressed in dark wash jeans with a white deep v-neck shirt and a black apron on top of it. I guess my outfit, HAD to sort of match theirs right? But once I reached the washroom and saw what I ACTUALLY was supposed to wear. I whimpered. A dark wash denim mini-skirt AND a white v-neck shirt. Oh my god...crap!...I forgot to shave! I rolled my jeans up a little...phew...thank god it's not obvious ! NOTE TO SELF: SHAVE LEGS BEFORE SHOWING UP FOR YOUR SHIFT! Once I got changed I went outside to the oppa's. "Min Jun come there are no customers?" I asked as I got behind the counter. "The crowd doesn't show up till about 5pm or so. But it'll be VERYYYY busy today!" "Come on. We'll start training you now..." I nodded at Ha Min oppa's instructions and listened carefully as they gave me tips on how to handle customers and how to use the cash register. An hour later, just like Min Jun oppa had said. People started to flood the store and all the tables and chairs were taken up and we had what seemed to be the longest line up for milkshakes in the history of the whole world. DANG, THIS BEATS MCDONALD'S ! It was finally 9:45pm and the store was starting to get ready to close. Ha Min oppa lifted all the chairs off the floor and placed them on the table while I mopped the floor. "I think you're done mopping've mopped the whole store 3 times already." Min Jun oppa chuckled. He patted my head softly. That to be the most gorgeous smile/laugh/chuckle that I have EVER seen in my WHOLE entire LIFE. I must've been staring because Min Jun oppa smile turned even wider. "Let's go home now..." I heard Ha Min oppa yell. We went to the backroom to grab all our stuff. Putting on my cardigan and throwing my bag over my shoulder we all waited as Do Hyeong oppa locked up the store. "Oh...Eun just knocked off?" I heard Min Jun oppa ask. I turned in the direction that Eun Young was in. I saw him nodding before turning his gaze towards me. There was this awkward silence before Ha Min oppa shouted that he had to go because he was going to meet up with his girlfriend to study. Do hyeong oppa also left because the bus was there. "How's Sang Il?" Min Jun oppa asked Eun Young. "He's alright." Came Eun's short reply. Ch...what an un-interesting person to talk to. " can get home safely tonight right Chailleen-ee?" Min Jun oppa turned towards me with a slight smile. I nodded and returned a smile. He patted me on the head, " I'll see you next week, Chailleen-eeee" Sticking out the peace sign he headed towards his car. Now it was just Park Eun Young and I. I could feel him staring at me. Should I say thanks? For getting me the job? "You're welcome." He said softly before brushing past me and heading to the bus stop. CAN THIS GUY READ MY MIND OR SOMETHING ?! Letting out a small sigh I followed suit and headed towards the bus stop. I took a seat at the bench since the bus wouldn't be coming for another 15 minutes. Eun Young stood against the tree waiting. This was so awkward... "What a cute girl." I saw a really disgusting ahjuhssi stumbling towards the bench that I was sitting on. OK, LISTEN HERE. I'm not CUTE, I'm SEXY DAMN IT! I felt the ahjuhssi plopping down onto the bench. He smelt like alcohol and any idiot could tell that he was seriously drunk. I felt his heavy arm on my shoulder. WHAT THE?! "Min Ji-ah....this oppa really misses you..." Oppa? Who the hell is he calling oppa, because I sure as hell hope he's not referring to himself. His looks could pass off as a really fat and young halahbuhji. "YAH!" I shrieked as I threw his disgusting arm off me. "YAH! KIM MIN JI! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY TO YOUR OPPA?!" He made a really disgusting pouty face as he tried to put his arm around me again. This time with all my strength I smack him really hard across the head. "Listen up, AHJUHSSI. I'm not Kim Min Ji and you are definitely not an oppa...don't kidd yourself." I scoffed as I got off the bench. "YAH! YOU STUPID GIRL, Y-YOU!" His words were slurred as he stood up and yanked on my hair. I shrieked as I tried to get out of his grip. "Let her go , you fool." I heard Park Eun Young saying softly behind me. The ahjuhssi paused and released his grip on my hair. I took the oppurtunity to kick him in his balls. I could hear his howl from a mile away. Finally I saw the bus approaching the curb. Grabbing on to Park Eun Young, we rushed to the curb and awaited the bus's arrival. We both got on the bus and paid our fares. He took a seat in the back and I took a seat in the front. That stupid ahjuhssi how can he just yank my hair like that?! AND BESIDES THE FACT OF THE STUPID AHJUHSSI. That bas.tard Park Euun Young didn't even BOTHER to help until the very end ! GOD . He was so useless ! When the bus came to a stop, I realized I was supposed to be getting off. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran off the bus. Up ahead I saw Park Eun Young walking. I shouldn't bother talking to him, right? If he wants to act like I've never existed in his life before...fine. Two can play this game, Park Eun Young. Looking down and at my feet, I walked home quietly behind Park Eun Young. When I finally reached my house, I noticed Park Eun Young turning around. "Goodnight, Shin Chailleen." He said softly before turning back around and heading to his house. "Park Eun Young! Thanks!" I shouted before running into my house. I hope he heard...because I hated repeating myself. As I walked into the house, I was greeted by darkness. "Jung? Oppa..." I called out shutting the door behind me. The house was unusually quiet...I had a feeling that something just wasn't right. I ran upstairs to Jae's room only to find it empty. I opened Jung In's oppa's door only to find it empty. What the hell is going on? I opened the door to my bedroom, my eyes darted straight away to the bed. There was a figure lying down...I could hear labored breathing as I neared the figure. My heart started to pound super fast, so fast that I thought it was going to burst. O M F G . WHO THE HELL IS THAT LYING ON MY BED ?! When I finally mustered the courage to turn on the room lights...I let out a blood curdling scream at the sight.[/spoiler][/quote]

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