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  2010-05-23 05:23:29

» FTalker
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Re: OFMG. Eto nanaman. Nacconfuse nnman ako XDD Kasi eto naman, alam nya yung pinakafav ni Chaileen. Haha :lol3: Nagseselos! Haha. Anyway. UPDATE NAH~ Can`t Wait. :lol3:

[font="Impact"][size=6][color=#A0522D]Chapter Four[/color][/size][/font] [spoiler]As I walked into the house, I was greeted by darkness. "Jung? Oppa..." I called out shutting the door behind me. The house was unusually quiet...I had a feeling that something just wasn't right. I ran upstairs to Jae's room only to find it empty. I opened Jung In's oppa's door only to find it empty. What the hell is going on? I opened the door to my bedroom, my eyes darted straight away to the bed. There was a figure lying down...I could hear labored breathing as I neared the figure. My heart started to pound super fast, so fast that I thought it was going to burst. O M F G . WHO THE HELL IS THAT LYING ON MY BED ?! When I finally mustered the courage to turn on the room lights...I let out a blood curdling scream at the sight. "O-oppa..." I whispered as I rushed to his side. Blood was seeping through his white beater. Not knowing what else to do, I placed my hand over his wound trying to stop the bleeding. I heard him wince in pain. Jung In oppa's face was as white as a piece of paper. His face covered in bruises and wounds. Blood was dripping down from the side of his lip. "Go...find...S-Sang Il...b-bring him..." Jung In managed to choke out. I nodded. I stumbled around my room, trying to find some towels to soak up the blood. I know what you must be thinking...why the he.ll was I so retarded...why was I freaking out when I could've just called an ambulance. But I always listened to what Jung In oppa said...if he didn't ask for an ambulance...I would not call for one. I finally managed to find a towel. I rushed over to him and placed it on his wound, I told him to put pressure on it. "I'll b-be right back oppa..." I mumbled as I dashed out of my room and ran straight to Park Eun Young's house. I ran up his front steps and called out for him. I rang the doorbell about a million times and pounded on the door. By this time I was already crying. My fists were slowly becoming numb from pounding the door. "YAH!"The door finally opened and I saw a really pissed of Park Eun Young. His face softened up a little once he saw my state. His eyes got so wide. "S-SANG IL...SANG IL..." I could only mutter his name between sobs. "Why the hell are you covered in blood ?! Where are your shoes ?" Eun Young looked a little freaked out as he grabbed my wrists, checking to see if I was hurt anywhere. "NO TIME! GET SANG IL!" I shouted as I yanked my hands from his grip. "Hyung's not home yet...what the heck..what's going on?" His eyes were filled with concern. Biting my lips, I quickly turned around and ran back home. I could hear Park Eun Young shouting after me...but as fast as I could...I ran back home. I ran back up to my bedroom. "Oppa...Sang Il...he's not home..." I choked out. "Oppa...let me call the ambulance...okay?" I asked and with my shaking hands I reached out for my cellphone. "No..." "YAH! CHAILLEEN SHIN, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I could hear Park Eun Young's loud voice booming through the hall of my house. He quickly ran into my bedroom. Once he saw Jung In oppa his eyes shot wide open. "H-Hyung....." He called out softly as he ran over to the bed. "Eun Young...go find...Jae Yung...he's fighting those bastards...he's by the park close by..." Jung In oppa said softly. When Jae Yung's name was mentioned. I felt my heart beat slowing Yung's supposed to the movies with his friends right "Hyung...did you get stabbed? Hyung...we have to take you to the hospital..." Jung In oppa shook his head. "I just got a cut...I'm tired...let me rest...bring Jae Yung back...Eun Young-ah" Eun Young nodded. He turned towards me ," Stay here with your oppa...I'll be back..." Just like that he ran off. "Park Eun Young!" I shouted after him. No...I can't let him go alone...I have to go get Jae Yung back...Jae Yung-ah...don't worry...your noona's coming...oh? Just wait a while more, Yung-ah. Ignoring oppa's shouts for me to return, I ran after Park Eun Young. I watched him cross the street heading towards the park. I chased after him...calling after him... "Why the heck are you here? Go home!" Eun Young tried to shove me away and push me in the direction of the house. "No...I have to get Yung-ee..."I shook my head as I wiped my tears. I stood my ground. I guess Eun Young saw that I wasn't going to leave so he said, "Just hide, okay? Make sure no one sees you..." I nodded obediently. He gently held my wrist as he pulled me along with him and we headed to the park. Shin Jae have to be alright...or I'll never forgive myself for not finding you in time... Once we got to the park we saw a bunch of guys crowding against someone. When we got a closer look, I saw that it was Jae Yung. He was glaring at those Basturds... Opening my mouth- I was about to call out to him but Eun Young placed his hand over my lips and placed a finger over his lips signaling me to be quiet. He pushed the both of us behind a tree that was about 15 ft away from the actual fight. I know this isn't the time to be thinking of stuff like this...but Eun Young's hands smell really nice...they smell like marshmallows.... "Stay here. Don't move. Be quiet." He whispered before removing his hand from my lips. I bit my lips to shut myself up. I watched as he slowly ran towards the bas.tards. "Don't you think you should pick on someone your own age instead of a highschool-er?" Park Eun Young's cool voice. Even in situations like this he still could act cool... The bastards stopped smacking Jae Yung around and focused their attention on Eun Young. "Don't you think craps like you should be studying and in bed by now?" A really nasty kid with a ciggarette stuck in his mouth spat out. I could see Park Eun Young smirking. The kid with the nasty smirk smacked Park Eun Young in the head a couple of times. His jaws were slowly tightening up. With his fists clenched. He threw a punch in the bastards nose. The bastard stumbled back before shooting a nasty smirk at Eun Young. "You want to play , huh you shithead...just watch. I'm going to break your pretty little face..." Grabbing Eun Young by the collar, he kneed him in the stomach. Eun Young tried to dodge his kicks but they came as fast as bullets. I finally watched as Eun Young grabbed the bastards head and bit his ear. The bastard yelped in pain as he stumbled back. A few more guys charged towards Eun Young. Eun Young dodged every one of their punches. Ducking up and down he managed to send kicks and punches to every one of them. Once they were on the floor groaning in pain...Eun Young grabbed the bast.ards collar and kneed him in the nuts. Slamming his fists against his head again and again repeatedly as he kneed him again and again in the abdomen before tossing the guy aside. You've got five down and three more to go, Park Eun Young. I watched as Eun Young toss a grin towards Jae Yung and as if they had a mutual understanding between the both of them- Jae Yung nodded before grabbing the blonde kid infront of him and slammed his forehead against the blonde kid's nose. This would definitely not hurt Jae Yung because he's been playing soccer for the longest time and he knows how to butt the ball with his head. Grabbing onto his already bleeding nose, the blonde kid started to run away. I watched as some stupid retarded kid come out of no where with a baseball bat. W T F ? He's heading right for Jae Yung... Not thinking, I screamed out Jae Yung's name. Running straight towards him...without having another care in the world. I watched as Jae Yung's face turn pale and his eyes got wide. I ran as fast as I could and when I reached him I hugged him so tight. Not letting go. In a split second I felt something hard hit my back. There was a of which I could not describe. It felt like my whole back was slowly tearing apart. Pain shot through me. Paralyzed. I was unable to move. A small cry of pain came out of my mouth. "Noona...noona..."Jae Yung shook me softly. Suddenly my whole body went limp. The arms that were around his fell down and stayed limp by my side. As if my weight suddenly got knees gave out...and slowly I fell down onto the grassy field. The pain in my back now turned into a throbbing pain but it still didn't allow me to think straight. I knew that things were going on around me...but couldn't bring myself to turn or look. I could feel Jae Yung tapping my lightly on the cheeks. I stared at his face. His pretty...face...which was now filled with bruises. Slowly reaching my hand out I touched his cheek. Letting out a small laugh as relief washed over me. My Yung-ee's alright... "You can still laugh?" Jae Yung teased as he slowly helped me up. Leaning up against him for support, I wrapped one arm around his waist. "Hyung..."Jae Yung said softly as we walked towards Park Eun Young. His eyes met mine. This time they were not cold...they were not unbearable to look in...there was a sense of warmth as he looked at me. Something was different...something in his eyes changed... Everything went black from there on...I remember waking up to an uncomfortable pain in my back... Lifting my head up...I watched as Jae Yung and Jung In argued over who's turn it was to look after me... "Argh...shut up..."I muttered as I shoved my face back into the pillow. "Noona! Noona! You're awake!" Jae Yung shouted with much excitement as he jumped onto my bed and laid down beside me. "You were sleeping for 2 days !" Jae Yung said as he shook my arms gently; trying to wake me up. "What?! 2 days?!" My head shot up as I stared at both Jae Yung and Jung In oppa. " matter what we wouldn't wake up. We got a doctor to come but he said you were fine...and the bruise on your back will soon go away...he said you were just stressed out and really tired." Jung In oppa explained. "Noona...we were just going to rub some ointment on your you have to sit up..." "Why? Can't we just do that later?" I grumbled. "No the doctor said 3 times a day to keep the swelling down." Jae Yung grinned before shoving the bottle of ointment to Jung In oppa. "WHY ME AGAIN?!" Oppa whined. "BECAUSE I DID IT LAST NIGHT!" Sticking out his tongue, Jae Yung ran out the door. "Uh...Chailleen-ah...don't scream at what I'm about to say're going to need to take your shirt off and sit up for this..." "WHAT?!"I smacked my brother in the head. So these past 2 days they've been changing me and putting ointment on my back ?! "C-Chailleen-ah ! Don't misunderstand...the ointment only came yesterday and...Eun Mi came over to she helped you apply the ointment and changed you...." Who the heck is Eun Mi? "Eun Mi is oppa's don't worry...I'll leave and come back in a minute...take your shirt off and....yourbraaswell....COVER THEM WITH THE SHEETS AND SIT ON THE STUDY CHAIR FACING BACKWARDS OKAY?!" As if really scared of what my reaction was going to be like, oppa ran out of my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Argh... I felt my whole back stiffen once I tried to get up. Sucking it in, I tried to ignore the pain. But sitting up makes it so hard to breathe because of the pain... Tying my messy hair up into a bun, I quickly removed my shirt and my bra. Grabbing the sheet, I covered the front part of my body and did as my brother said. I sat on the study chair backwards. " can come in now." I said loud enough for him to hear. I heard the door creak open and heard Jung In oppa gasping. "What is it?" I asked as I turned my head over my shoulder and gave him a weird look. "Your back...your WHOLE back is bruised...." "NO SHIT! I got hit with a bat by some kid who looked scrawny as hell but had an unbelievable amount of strength hidden in him. What do you think oppa? Do you think it would've been a small bruise?" I rolled my eyes. "I told you not to never listen..." And honestly the rest of Jung In oppa's words turned to blah blah blah. I felt Jung In oppa placing something cool on my back. My body stiffened. I tried not to make any sudden movements. Tears stung my eyes. It's been 2 days...why the heck does this still hurt so much? "Does it hurt?" Oppa tried to apply the ointment on my back as lightly as possible. Biting my lips I mumbled a soft no before burrying my face into my arms for support. I heard the door opening in full force. "Hyun-" The person's voice cut short. I turned around to see Park Eun Young standing at the door frame. He blinked a few times. I blinked a few times. It took me a second to understand the situation and when I finally got it...I let out the biggest shriek ever before telling him to get out. Looking a bit startled, he ran out and shut the door behind him. " always scream so effin' loud ! We're not filming a scary movie you know?!" Jung In oppa continued to apply the ointment on my back- this time he applied it a little bit harder. O M F G. My mind could not comprehend the pain that I was feeling because all I could think of was Park Eun Young seeing my naked back. O M F G . did he.... ....did he see my... love handles ?! O M F G . THIS IS SO HUMILIATING! I KNOW I'VE GAINED WEIGHT...I KNOW I SHOULD'VE CUT BACK ON THOSE CHICKEN NUGGETS AND FRIES...I KNOW DAMN IT, I KNOW ! For the rest of the day the only thing that was running through my mind was Park Eun Young's shocked expression as he walked through the door. It must be because of the love handles...I know it...dang!...I should've just stayed home and ate dwenjangjjigae for the rest of the time that I was in L.A. I know that I could've lost a few pounds...damn these stupid love've scarred Eun Young for life now! Now he'll never talk to me again ! [a/n: dwenjang-jjigae- korean soy bean paste stew. SUPER YUMMY.] "'ve been sulking all's not as if Eun Young hyung walked in on you naked..."Jae Yung muttered. I sent him a hateful glare and he shutup. "He walked in while I was semi-naked!" "Well..guys usually think girls in that position look's like that sexy...I-just-had-the-most-amazing-sex-of-my-life kind of look after they wake up naked beside you." He had this dreamy look on his face. "WHAT THE CRAP HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?! YOU CALL THAT SEXY?! HE SAW MY LOVE HANDLES!" I shouted as I threw a pillow at Jae Yung's face. "What are love handles?" Jae Yung looked confused. "The fat that I have here..." I pinched the fat on the side of my hip. " BARELY have anything there..." "Then tell me how I gained 10 pounds !" "..............................." Jae Yung stayed quiet. A little pissed off...I grabbed the remote controller and started to switch the channel. "...noona...are you...PMS-ing?" "Yah. SHIN JAE YUNG! DO YOU NOT WANT TO BE FED DINNER TONIGHT?!" "Okay, okay...I'll shut up..." He whimpered before turning away and watching the tv. - - "Noona...we're playing basketball outside! Come watch!" Jae Yung shouted as he ran out of the front door. I looked down at what I was wearing...I was wearing my hello kitty pajama's that oppa bought for me last christmas. Secretly...I really hated pink and I really hated Hello Kitty...but I knew that oppa would freak out if I didn't wear it. Walking to the closet, I grabbed a black v-neck cotton dress. It looked more like an overly long t-shirt but I didn't care. I refuse to wear pants that will show my love handles! Running downstairs, I went outside to see four topless guys playing a game of basketball in the driveway. Much to my suprise, Park Eun Young was one of them. My face turned red when I thought about what happened earlier in the afternoon. "YAH! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING WITH THAT T-SHIRT?!" Jung In oppa shouted as he called a time-out. Walking towards me...he quickly yanked the bottom of my dress down. "Oppa...this is a dress...not a t-shirt..." I rolled my eyes as I smacked his hand away. "Go put on some pants at least! They aren't even TOUCHING your knee..." Jung In demanded. "No. I don't like pants!" Yes oppa, I don't like to wear tight pants that show my love handles infront of Park Eun Young! I REFUSE. "I don't care...just go put some on right now." He turned me around and shoved me in the back. "OWWWW!" I yelped in pain as I glared at Jung In oppa. That idiot just pushed me RIGHT on my bruised back. All four sets of eyes were now on me. Grumbling, I ran back into the house to grab a small fleece blanket and ran back out. Before sitting on the steps with my legs crossed, I placed the blanket over my legs. Jung In oppa shot me an un-happy look but I stuck my tongue out at him anyway. "Go on, continue playing..." I said with a smirk. Sang Il just let out a small chuckle before tossing the ball towards Eun Young. They played for about another hour. All four of them were dripping with sweat once they were done. "Chaii-ah...since you're feeling about making some dinner tonight for all of us?" Jung In oppa asked as he wiped his sweat with a small towel. "Who is all of us?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. If it means cooking for Park Eun Young, HELL TO THE MOTHER EFFING NO! "Our family...Sang Il and Eun Young..." Oppa gave me a weird look. "No." I said simply. "NOONA! Why not?! Eun Young hyung beat the guy who hit you in the back till he puked ! Right, hyung?" Jae Yung whined as he nudged Eun Young. I saw Eun Young look a little awkward for a few seconds before turning away and clearing his throat. He...really did that for me? ... I smiled. "...FINE!" Grabbing the blanket, I trotted back into the house slamming the door shut. I headed towards the kitchen to see if we had anymore ingredients for kimchi-jiggae. I opened the fridge and grabbed the tofu, kimchi, defrosted pork and hot pepper paste. I could hear the boys making their way into the living room. "GO TAKE A SHOWER!" I shouted from the kitchen. "YES MOM!" I heard Jae Yung's smart-ass reply and couldn't help but smile. Grabbing a chopping board, I started to dice up the tofu and kimchi. Once I was done chopping up all the ingredients I got a large pot out. While waiting for the pot to heat up, I threw the ingredients all in there along with the hot pepper paste and allowed the ingredients to cook for a minute or two. "Don't forget the rice cake." I looked up to see who was talking. Park Sang Il. Right...dduk...I completely forgot about that...running to the fridge I grabbed some rice-cake and quickly started to slice them up. "Sang Il oppa, aren't you going to take a shower? Dinner should be ready in 45 minutes..."I looked at him while placing the remainder of the rice-cake into the pot and stirring the ingredients quickly. I added a couple of cups of water and some stock to the stew. "Relax. I'm just in here to get a drink." Sang Il oppa smiled as he grabbed a coke out of the fridge and walked out. I looked down at my jjigae...I smiled...mmm...this is going to taste so yummy... I placed the cover on top of the pot and turned the fire on low while I allowed the stew to simmer. Walking out I saw only Jung In oppa and Jae Yung. "Where did they go?" I asked as I sat in-between my brothers. "They went to shower but they're coming back for dinner..." 10 minutes went by and I could smell my jjiggae cooking wonderfully in the kitchen. "THAT SMELLS SO GOOD, NOONA..." Jae Yung practically had drool dripping out of his mouth. "Of course." I smiled happily as I ran back into the kitchen to shut off the fire. I grabbed 2 of the black claypots for the stew and placed them above the stove. Scooping the hot soup carefully along with its ingredients, I placed them into the two mini soup pots. Covering them with the lid, I continued to allow the soup to simmer in the mini soup pots over the stove. "Need any help?" A deep voice asked. Park Eun Young... I turned around to face him. His hair still a little damp from the shower but they fell above his eyes so nicely. He wore a fitted black t-shirt along with a pair of dark jeans. He looked hot... A frown was starting to form on his forehead... " can scoop the rice..." I finally managed to say as I grabbed 5 empty bowls and handed him a rice-scooper. He nodded and headed towards the rice cooker and scooped the rice into the bowls. With his help, I managed to get dinner on the table in 5 minutes. I took the cover off the stew. I watched four pairs of eyes light up once they saw the steam coming out of the stew. They looked starved. "DIG IN!" Jae Yung practically shouted before jabbing his spoon into the hot pot of stew. I smiled a little. Hmm..I guess my mom taught me to cook well... "OH MY GOD, CHAILLEEN-AH...THIS IS SO GOOD..." Sang Il oppa said as he continued to shove more rice in his mouth. After dinner, I cut some apples for them while Jung In oppa did the dishes. After placing the apples on the coffee table, I headed outside for some fresh air. "Ahhh...this feels nice..." I smiled to myself as I sat on the front steps of my house. "...yah..." I felt someone nudging me. I didn't have to turn to know who it was. Who else but the devil himself, Park Eun Young. He stuck something infront of my face, it was a piece of apple on a toothpick that I had cut up earlier. I grabbed the apple from him and took a bite. "Thanks for the dinner..."He said softly before sitting down on the steps beside me. "No problem." I said before taking another bite of the apple. "But the...jjigae was a bit salty..." "WHAT?!" " you need to yell?!" He snapped as he stared at me. "It was fine." "I'm just saying...that it was a bit salty." "Then don't eat over anymore." I started to feel a little annoyed. "I'm not! I might just die of food poisoning when I get back home!" Shouting, he stood up and walked down the steps. "Good! I hope you die, you stupid SHAGGY HAIRED SHEEP DOG!" I retorted. He shot me a disgusted look. "Yah, yah. At least I can pull this look off...but your hair...makes you look like...Saint Mary of the Catholics. Saint Mary, that's what I'm going to call you from now on." He laughed at his own stupid joke. [i][url=]Chai's Saint Mary-ish hair.[/url](To those who's curious why Eun called her that.)[/i] Wait- this was the first time he ever smiled or laughed in front of me...I was shocked...but at the same time I could feel my heart melting... BUT STILL! W T F ?! SAINT.MARY? DO I LOOK LIKE A SAINT?! "MOH?! SAINT MARY?! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE TONIGHT?!" I shrieked before standing up. I shoved him a little. "Chh...SAINT MARY...stop trying so hard. Alright? If you need some help straightening the end your hair, I'll bring over a Flat hair iron next time." Smirking he started to walk off. "YAH! PARK EUN YOUNG!" "Have a nice night, SAINT.MARY." He stuck out the peace sign before walking home. Leaving me in a complete loss for words. But really...W T F ? SAINT MARY ?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES FOR DAYS![/spoiler]

Last edited by SvperGirl (2010-05-23 06:09:30)

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