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  2010-05-24 08:08:35

» FTalker
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Re: OFMG. Eto nanaman. Nacconfuse nnman ako XDD Kasi eto naman, alam nya yung pinakafav ni Chaileen. Haha :lol3: Nagseselos! Haha. Anyway. UPDATE NAH~ Can`t Wait. :lol3:

[color=#A0522D][font="Impact"][size=6]Chapter Six[/size][/font][/color] [i]a fast update for my loyal readers. HAHAHA, i hope you'll like this chapter.[/i] [spoiler]"Yah! Saint Mary!" Yes, we stopped when we heard that voice. .... Turning around we saw Park Eun Young standing behind us with a ciggarette in his mouth. For some reason, he looked really sexy tonight. Maybe it was his black leather bomber jacket...or maybe it was his black jeans? Or maybe it was the white top under? Or maybe...he just looked hot all in all tonight. "Oh...Eun Young-ah. I was just about to drive Chailleen Shin, do you want a ride?" Min Jun oppa asked kindly. "No it's okay, you go ahead. I'll take her home..."Came Eun Young's short reply. Park Eun Young! You're 20...and Min Jun oppa is at least 22 years old ! Aren't you going to be the least bit respectful and call him 'hyung'? "Why? Why can't we just go with Min Jun oppa?" I whined. Min Jun oppa laughed and told us to deal with our own problems as he headed to the parking lot. NNOOOOOOOOOOO! STUPID PARK EUN YOUNG! THAT WAS A FREE RIDE! "Why the heck did you do that for?!" I stomped my feet on the ground like a five year old throwing a silly tantrum. I pouted. Instead of making some smart ass comment like I thought he would, he just smiled with amusement. "YAH! I'm talking to you!" I snapped- feeling a little irritable that he smiled at me. God, why did you have to make such beautiful creature like Park Eun Young? "Yah!Eun! You forgot-" I turned around too see who's calling eun. "Tae Jun?" I asked. "Oh, Chailleen. You're heading home?" "Uhh.." I stammered. "Im going to take her home. What's wrong Tae Jun?" Eun Young said while flaffling the end of his ciggarette. " forgot your wallet." Eun Young checked his back pocket to see if he really did forgot he's wallet. "Araso. Thanks." came eun young's short reply. "Chailleen, do you want to go and eat some snacks? My treat." Tae Jun said to me then he gave me a wink. Knowing that this is part of our little plan, I accepted his not-so-sincere offer. "It's already late, she'll have trouble going home." Eun said as he finally threw his ciggarette and looked at Tae Jun like he's going to eat him. "Anye (no) It's okay, i'll walk her home then." Tae Jun said as he smiled and gave me another wink. "We'll be going now Eun, take care of yourself." I can see Eun's pissed face as Jun grabbed my wrist and walked away. "I thought we'll start tomorrow?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. "That was a perfect timing, isn't it?" He said as he stopped walking. "what's wrong?" "You go to that playground, i'll buy something we can eat." "Wait, you really mean what you said?" "Ofcourse, why? You thought I didn't?" I nodded as I lowered my head because I can feel that my cheeks are turning red. Tae Jun was about to say something when someone cut him off. "She's going with me." I looked up, only to see it was Eun young himself, panting like some perverted maniac. wth.. he's been following us?! did he heard my conversation with tae jun?! "But im okay! You go ahead, why bother me!" I said as I locked my arm to jun's. "Your brother told me to take you home after I was done work!" His answer came. So this is all about that? Aww, Ye Seung oppa was worried about my safety and well-being? How sweet! Unable to hide my smile, I just let it show. "It'a okay Tae Jun, let's hang out together next time. Thank you for the walk. I think I can manage now." "Are you sure?"He said, little bit puzzled. "Yes, i'll just take the bus. Take care okay?" I said sweetly. Enough for Eun Young to get jealous..I think? "Okay, take care of yourself too." I watched him walk away. Goshh, he has such a sexy back... Grabbing my bag, I reached in to grab my wallet. I practically stood there searching for 5 whole minutes before realizing that I'd forgotten it at home because Jung In oppa dropped me off at work today. SH.IT. CRAP. Looking up I saw Park Eun Young staring at me with a weird expression on his face. "Eun Young-ah...."I called out softly with a cheesy grin. "When you call my name like gives me shivers...and why are you wearing such a [url=]short skirt and plain shirt[/url] in this cold weather?"Rolling his eyes he turned around and headed towards the bus stop. Running to catch up with him, I held on to his arm. I felt as his whole body stiffened at my touch. "Uh...I forgot to bring my wallet..." I muttered softly. He didn't say or do anything for a few seconds. His hand slowly reached for mine that held on to his arm, gently he took my hand off his. A guy like Park Eun Young, I'm suprised he can be so gentle... "Pay for me first! I promise I'll pay you back!" I pleaded. "PLEASE!" I added. "No. I guess you'll just have to walk home..." Park Eun Young said as he pulled out his own bus fare. O M F G. I can't believe this guy isn't even going to lend me his SPARE change. "YAH! PARK EUN YOUNG! Do you really have to be so cheap?! It's not like I'm asking to borrow a large sum of money! I'm just asking for SPARE CHANGE." I shouted at him angrily. Ignoring my words he sat down on the bench at the bus stop. "Fine. I'll just call my brother to pick me up." I can't believe this guy...reaching into my bag I grabbed my cellphone and was about to dial Jung In oppa's number but stopped once I heard what Park Eun Young said. "Let's walk. I think you need to exercise because of all those milkshakes..." Standing up, he walked towards the direction of our house. OH MY GOD. It was like a 10 minute bus ride home ! It's going to take us an HOUR to walk back! AND I'm wearing heels today! NEW heels. I looked down at my feet and bit my lip. I guess it'd be a good thing to walk...burn off all the calories that I took in today. Stupid oppa's! They kept trying out new flavors of milkshakes and I just HAD to be their guinea pig! "Did you hear what I said? I said you need exercise. You're getting fat." "PARK EUN YOUNG! I heard you the first time! You don't need to keep repeating!" I shot him a real nasty glare but all he did was stand there and smile. Shoving past him, I continued to walk ahead of him. I could feet my feet sort of starting to ache. was such a bad idea to wear heels today. Especially new one's that haven't been broken-in yet. "Why are you so mad?" Oh my god. Is this guy SERIOUSLY asking me WHY I'm mad. Um, I don't know...maybe because you just called me FAT and said that I needed to exercise! I completely ignored his dumbass question and walked even faster. Unfortunately for legs weren't as long as his so it didn't take long for Han Yoon Sung to catch up with his giraffe-like legs. He stuck something in front of me. It was a box of something...when I realized that it was my absoloute FAVORITE thing in the WORLD besides green M&M's of course. Strawberry flavored Pocky Sticks! I gasped. As I reached out to grab the box of UN-OPENED pocky sticks he pulled it up above his head. "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" I asked him. Shrugging, he finally places the box of pocky in my hand. "You can have it." Eventhough I hate you lots sometimes...for comparing me with Saint Mary and hearts starting to warm up to you... "Want one?" As I opened up the pack of pocky, I handed him a stick. Grabbing the pocky stick he bit half of it off and started chewing, after he was done he shoved the remainding half into his mouth. I stared. He must've noticed because he shot me a weird look but we just continued walking anyway. "Aren't you going to savor the flavor?" I asked. "I have a carton at home...I think I've savored enough." I let out a small laugh at his comment. He patted my head. "Stop laughing." He said softly as he looked down at his feet. "Why? I like to laugh..."I stuck my tongue out at him. I couldn't tell because it was dark but I could've sworn his ears turned red. "Saint Mary looks different when she laugh like that...." He turned away as he said this. "That's good for her. But I'm not Saint Mary..." "You look like Saint Mary." "No I don't. Because if I did, I wouldn't have a fan cafe." I stated with a cocky grin. "Fan cafe?" He did this half laugh, half snort kind of thing. He really didn't believe me! "Someone that looks like Saint Mary can have a fan cafe? impressive." He continued. Yeah yeah, say all you want. But at the end of the day I know I'm some-what hot if I have highschool kids coming up to me while I'm working in 4 inch porn-star heels, and asking for my autograph. I know I can be sexy! I just know it. "It looks more like an elephant walking in 4-inch porn-star heels..." At his comment my eyes widened. DID I JUST SAY THE LAST PART OUT LOUD? embarassing >////< "Tch;" I scoffed. not knowing what else to say. "So what's with you and Tae Jun?" He asked a bit formally. But he still coudln't hide the uneasy look. why? are you jealous? That's what I want to ask back..but right now, let's just make it suspense.. "Uh. we're kinda..close..why?" "You seem to like him huh?" "what's it for you?" "I feel sorry." FINALLY! HE FEELS SORRY FOR ALL THE THINGS HE DID TO ME AND THAT HE'S TOO LATE BECAUS HE THINKS THAT I LIKE TAE JUN WHICH IS PROBABLY JUST A FAT FAKE LIE! WHOOOOOHOOOO! "I feel sorry for Tae Jun to be liked by someone who look like Saint Mary." He said. Totally and literally popping my thoughts. with that, i just shut my mouth. Damn that idioit. Since we weren't talking and we were just walking, I tried my best to ignore the pain in my foot. I looked to the side to peek at what Park Eun Young was doing... O M G ! He was texting someone on his cellphone -.-" As he stared at the phone a really bright smile appeared on his face. I've never seen him smiling like this ever... I wish that...I was the one who could make him smile like that... Sighing I looked down at my feet which have now turned red from walking for the past half an hour in 3 inch heels. I could slowly feel my feet starting to blister. Biting my lips I stopped walking. If I go on walking in these heels, I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow with my feet blistered. I stopped walking and removed my heels. Holding them in my hand, I checked the back of my heel and noticed that the skin broke and it was slightly bleeding. "What's wrong?" I heard Park Eun Young ask from up ahead. "Nothing." I muttered before walking barefoot towards him. He looked down at my feet then back up at me. "Why'd you take your shoes off?" He asked. "They hurt..."I said as I walked ahead of him. I felt him pulling me back, his pull was a little hard so I ended up crashing into his chest instead. firm... Feeling a little awkward from being so close, I stepped away. I heard him sigh. Then he squatted down on the ground. "Yah...what are you doing?" I nudged him a little. "Your feet are going to get cuts all over them if we continue to walk home like this." Park Eun Young said softly as he motioned for me to get on his back. "It's okay,really." I would've taken up his offer...but not until I lose another 10 pounds! But after that pack of Pocky...I really don't know man.... "We can do this in a civilized manner, or an un-civilized way. You have 3 seconds to make up your mind." Park Eun Young was running out of patience with me. Smiling, I gave in. I climbed onto his back. He wrapped his hand on my legs and held on to them as he slowly got up and started walking. I hope I'm not too heavy >////< "Stupid. Who the hell wears heels to work..." I heard him mutter under his breath. I smiled. For some reason I couldn't stop smiling...for the next couple of minutes I continued to a fool... I heard him let out a small grunt...he was starting to walk slower and slower... "Yah. Park Eun know fat kids? You know how they waddle as they walk...I bet right now those fat kids could waddle faster then you..." "HOLY.SAINT.MARY. Shut up." He retorted. " this really what you consider walking?!" It's like a snail. I smacked him on the back lightly. "It'd be a lot easier if there wasn't a fat kid on my back right now, without YOU on my back I bet I'd be able to school that fat kid who waddles." At his comment I just shut up. T________T;; I wish I could just be stick skinny like those models... "Yah...loosen your grip around my neck. You're going to choke me." He shifted his neck uncomfortably. Feeling pissed off at what he said earlier I purposely tightened my arms around his neck. He let out a cough. "Yah!" He shouted loudly. "WHAT!" "EESH, screw this shit." He put me down and he started walking away. "Are you really going to just leave me here like this?!" I shouted. With a visible pouting face, I walked towards him- barefooted. He headed towards the curb and I followed. "Let's just take a cab home..."He muttered. For the first time in the whole day, I smiled the best smile I could. I swear that was the best news I've heard all day! "You're paying right?" I asked. He glared at me. "EUN YOUNG-EEEEEEEE, I LOVE YOUUUU!" I shouted happily as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Once again he stiffened. "Stop it. I don't like it when people touch me." o__o what a weird kid... "Fine." I released him from my power hug and waited quietly for a cab to come our way. The way back home was quiet, I thanked him quickly before getting out of the cab and running into the house. I could still feel the warmth in my cheek, the smile that was on my lips ever since he piggy backed me was still there and the butterflies that I felt in the pit of my stomach were still there. "God, you're such a fool." I smacked myself before heading up to Jae Yung's bedroom to bother him. Eventhough it was close to 1am , Jae Yung and I still felt like going outside for fresh air. So in our matching PJ shirts and sweats, we walked to the park. "Wow...feels so good..."Jae Yung smiled as he sniffed the fresh air. We walked to the swings in the playground. "Noona...push me!" I was about to say no- but then of course I just had to think of Park Eun Young telling me that I needed to lose weight so I agreed to push Jae Yung on the swing. Using all the strength that I could I tried to push Jae Yung higher and higher. He laughed as he went higher and higher. This feels like when we were kids...when our parents would take us to the park every weekend...we'd argue over who got to ride the swings first. Jung In oppa of course would never go on such a 'gay' thing so the only thing he did at the park on weekends was sit at a corner of the playground and pout. Ch...even at 10 years old he still wanted to act that he's 21...I think he's still just as immature as he was 11 years ago. Jae Yung and I took turns to play on the swing, I kept asking if I was too heavy and he said I was as light as a feather. You better not be buttering me up right now, Shin Jae Yung! But then again, I loved every second of it. I giggled. We were about to leave to go home but we heard two voices arguing at the other end of the playground. Curious, Jae Yung dragged me over a little closer to the voices that were arguing. "Hyung..." I could hear a voice pleading. O_O could it be...that sounds EUN YOUNG. "God. You make me sick. Don't even call me that right now...looking at your face makes me feel like throwing up." I could hear Sang Il oppa talking. When he spoke, he sounded weak. "It's no-" "I said don't say another thing. Just because you're my younger brother doesn't mean that I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you..." Sang Il oppa's voice shook. I looked at Jae Yung who mouthed 'OH EM GEE' to me. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the convsersation. "Hyung...this wasn't the way it was supposed to work out...I thought she was really going to leave..." Eun Young's voice almost sounded desperate. There was full of pain in his voice. Out of no where Sang Il oppa took a shot at Park Eun Young's face. Eun Young looked a bit startled but he didn't hit back. Stumbling back a little, Sang Il oppa took another shot. This time at his nose. I bit my lips so hard to keep myself from trying to stop the fight. But something inside told me that this was something they needed to solve on their own. "You don't effin' do just don't deal with something that's not yours anymore..." Ji Sung oppa continued to take cheap shots at Park Eun Young. I was still shocked at the fact that Park Eun Young sat there, letting his own brother hit him. Park Eun Young stayed quiet during the whole thing, accepting the pain that his brother was putting on him. After Sang Il oppa was done. "Stop seeing the girl." Sang Il oppa spat out bitterly before walking away. I was about to rush to Eun Young's side but Jae Yung got there before me. "Hyung...are you okay?" Jae Yung asked as he stared at Eun Young's bloody figure which was now on the moist grass. I watched as Eun Young's eyes twitch a little when he saw me. He looked into my eyes for a while. Those eyes that were usually void of emotion were now filled with so much hurt and pain. His eyes turned glassy. Turning his head, he turned away from me. "Hyung!" Jae Yung said as he tried to help Eun Young up. But Eun Young refused. He continued to lay there...on the grass. "Jae Yung-ah, you go ahead first." I said softly as I looked at him. "But noona-" I cut him off. "Don't worry, I'll bring him back. You go to's almost 2 am and you have school tomorrow." I said. Nodding and still a bit hesitant, Jae Yung sighed and headed home. "Go..."I heard Eun Young's voice croak out. Instead of leaving you...instead of leaving you here to cry alone Park Eun Young. I'll sit here with you... I sat down on the grass and looked at him. His face was covered in blood. His lip was busted. He's going to wake up looking horrible tomorrow... "Park Eun Young..." I called out softly but I didn't get a reply. He still refused to look at me. Feeling a little frustrated, I got up and laid down on the grass beside him. I looked up at his bloody face, using my hand I gently tried to wipe away the blood that was coming out of his nose. "I told you to go..."I heard him say. I looked into his eyes and gave him a smile. "I don't want to." "....." He remained quiet for a while as he stared at me. He looked as if he were trying to figure me out. He was about to turn away from me again when I said, "Why are you afraid to look at me?" "I'm not." Came his short reply. "Then why do you always turn away from me?" "I don't." "Yeah you do." "I don't." God, conversations really DON'T get any where with this guy. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked softly. "No." Of course I was expecting that answer. Once again we were hit with the undying wave of awkward silence... "Park Eun Young...if you're telling me to leave because you want to cry alone...I won't do it. I'll lay here and I won't move an inch...and I promise I'll close my eyes...I promise...I won't open them until you tell me to...I if you want to cry...just cry." As I said this I looked into his eyes. Something in there softened. Taking the first step- I turned away breaking our eye contact. I looked up at the sky before shutting my eyes tightly. "Chaii Shin-ah...count till a hundred..." I heard him say softly. It almost sounded like he was breaking apart inside...something was pulling on his heart...and it really hurt him. Biting my lips I started to count softly. I felt him shifting around on the grass beside me. It was quiet for a while...but then I heard the softest sob...I could feel his body trembling beside me... He was crying...and I couldn't do anything to stop his heart from aching... I stopped counting...gently but still with my eyes shut...I reached out for his hand...his hands that were balled up into tight fists... As he cried...I placed my hands over his...loosening his fists up a little...I held on to his hand tightly... We laid there for a while, his hand in mine. After finally allowing myself to count up to 200- so it would give him more time. I stopped and opened my eyes. I saw the stars shining brightly down on us. "Eun Young-ah..." "Hmm?" "I'm going to look at you now, okay?" "Okay." I had to hold back my smile, he sounded just like a little kid. I turned my gaze towards him. I wiped his tears away with my free hand. "I won't ask. I won't ask something that hurts you...I'll wait...I'll wait till you want to tell me, okay?" I said with a small smile. Not waiting for his answer, I sat up quickly and tugged on his hand. "Get up." I said softly. Without saying anything, Eun Young sat up. I stood up and helped him up. "I can't go home..." He said softly. "I wasn't telling you to. Let's go to my can sleep with Jae Yung." I offered. He looked a little hesitant before finally agreeing. He was having a hard time walking, I watched as he limped a little bit. Sighing, I wrapped an arm around his waist. I grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder. He stopped walking for a moment and stared at the ground as I looked up at him. For once...can't you just look my way? Just once... I gave Eun Young a towel and Jung In oppa's baggy shirt and slacks. I waited in the living room for him to come out. After he finished taking a shower he walked down to the living room. His hair still wet from the shower. He looked a little lost and out of place as he walked towards the couch. Grabbing the ointment and cotton bud, I patted the empty spot beside me signaling him to come over. He sat down obediently. He hadn't said a word since we got back from the park. I watched as the water droplets dripped from his hair down onto his lap. "Wait here..."I said softly as I ran upstairs and quickly grabbed a clean towel. I went back downstairs and plopped myself down on the couch again. Eun Young shot me a weird look. I placed the towel on his head and started to dry his hair for him. Rubbing the towel softly into his hair, I tried to do it as softly as I could. After I was done, I tossed the towel on to the ground. Grabbing the ointment and cotton bud once again. I turned his face towards me. His nose was slowly starting to swell up and turned into a light shade of purple. His lips were swollen with a huge gash at the side of his lip. And his left eye was extremely swollen. Even like this...he still looked really good... Dabbing a bit of ointment at the side of his lip softly, he winced. I rubbed the ointment on his eye then grabbed an ice-pack for him to help keep the swelling down. After I was done cleaning up his bruises, we just sat there quietly. Even in the silence I could tell that Park Eun Young felt thankful towards me- even if he never expressed it. I thought hard of what to say...trying to break the awkward silence. I cleared my throat a little. "Are you hungry?" I asked as I turned to look at him. "...a little..." I swear I would've missed it because it was so soft that I barely heard it at all. I guess he felt shy. We both headed to then kitchen. Since I was lazy to cook, we just snacked on chips and beer. What a nice way to start my diet. Chips and beer at 3:30am in the morning. "Can I ask you something?" I asked as I shoved more chips into my mouth. Park Eun Young nodded. "Why do you not like it when people touch you?" I asked. I was curious because I could tell he felt so nervous when I was cleaning up his wounds and the way his body stiffens every time I grab his arm. He hesitated a little before he started to talk, "When I was young...I used to be really really super fat. I guess that's the way to say it. The kids at school all really hated me because I was fat. I didn't fit in anywhere...they all took turns making fun of me..." He paused as he looked at me , I signaled for him to continue. "There was one day where we were split up into teams in P.E class and of course as usual no one wanted me on their team because I was so fat that I couldn't even run properly. I was probably about 12 years old at the time...and the teacher just forced me into a group with a bunch of the boys. Because of me they lost the when we were heading to the locker room to change. They all cornered me and called me names. At the time...I felt like it was so hard to breathe...I remember as they threw out nasty remarks about my weight and called me names. They started to hit me. I was so stupid at the time...all I thought about was what they were saying about me was right. I was so angry at myself for not being able to stand up to those bullies. After they were done with their insults and were finally done beating me...they locked me in a small storage unit where we kept all our P.E equipment. No one found me till 5 hours later...the first person that came...she tried to help me up...but I could only scream at her touch. I was so scared that they were coming back again to beat call me those hurtful names...I know this might seem weird...but I don't like it when people touch me...because it always brings back memories of when I was locked up in that dark room all alone...and when those kids hit me..." He glanced my way to see how I was taking the story. I could only look at him and smile. I was happy that he was finally starting to open up to me...I was happy that I was able to see a different side of Park Eun Young. Not one that just any one could see...but the side of him that I saw. "So after that how did you drop all that weight? I really wouldn't have expected you to be a big kid..." I wanted to smack myself when I re-called our walk home earlier. My stupid stupid comment about fat kid's waddling! He must've felt like beating me up! "I went on a diet...started to exercise...played more sports..." He muttered as he took a big sip of his beer. "I see...." I paused. "Give me some tips." Park Eun Young nearly choked on his beer as he stared at me, shock written all over his face. "You want to go on a diet?" He managed to say after swallowing. I nodded. "Soo, what's with you and Tae Jun?" Again with this question?! Is he... Maybe not.. But.. "What do you care?" I said curiously not disrepectingly. "Because he's my bestfriend and you're.." he stopped at his sentence.. "Im your?" "What's with him?" Ignoring my question.. "Gaawd you are soo persistent!" He sneered, I scoffed. "Fine! I like him he likes me." He looked reluctantly shocked. "Happy?" "what?" He asked. still in a state of shock. "We like each other, Jezz! Are you really that slow?" He blinked. "Infact, we're going on a date tomorrow!" I said with much fake enthusiasm. I tried to look excited but I think I kinda failed. Fortunately, he's still absorbing what I just said so he didn't noticed my failed-excited-expression. "Yah!" I poked his shoulder. "You're dating? Tomorrow?" "Yes. Why?" Silence.. He looked a bit uneasy for the past two minutes.. then he finally spoke. "Oh my god. It's late...just go to bed..." He laughed as he stood up. "What?"I asked feeling a little curious as to what was so funny. "Good night!" He tossed the beer can into the garbage bin and headed upstairs to Jae Yung's room. Smiling, I cleared the table and ran up to the room. Lying on the bed...I was still smiling. Just like that...with my heart pounding quickly against my chest...Is he jealous or what?...with that silly grin still on my face...I fell asleep.[/spoiler]

Last edited by SvperGirl (2010-05-24 08:22:52)

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