[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]Explanation on the 1st "bug":
About the 2nd "bug", i read somewhere about this. The bug is not limited to the string "Bush hid the facts" only. Actually, all strings in 4-3-3-5 format (that is, first word has 4 characters, second word has 3 chars, etc) will cause the said bug.
It is already fixed in Vista as far as i know.[/quote]
very nice find bro.
in short explanation:
#1 "=rand (200, 99)" : a macro used by mcsft program engineer in testing how fonts would be look like.
=rand is a programming function used in different programming language.
#2 as you explained, i tried typing [b]Punk hav sht brain[/b] same bug occurs.