Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
Goodmorning Ftalk! :'DD
Im inlove again! T___T (i guess?)
Well, nvm. I just effin' like that basketball player with white porcelain skin and nose of a God plus good voice in our sportfest, he turns me on.
And that boy fresh from Italy with his ever mesmerizing smile and sprakling eyes. Geeez. GVGV! <<3
Anyywho, im currently listening to Baby by Justin Beiber, I know that you know that I hate him,
which is literally true, but, I heard that basketball player sing baby and now, I fell inlove with the song aswell too.
But, only with the song, not the singer, soo, yeaahh.
Have a Gooood Day everyone. :')