
I am definitely buying it. I think it'd be sold in Sm first.

Definitely! Where do you buy? Astroplus or Odyssey?


[quote=cutest08;#3610539;1275289355]OFMG. If i have a reward to my mom, i want to buy albums

TVXQ Best Selection 2010, Oh! and Incoming Bonamana!


[quote=eney0715;#3610369;1275274930]Can anyone please slap me? XD I am so outdated. fml. .____. I know it's SuJu time and I am not an ELF.

Oh sht. Not "anymore" but urghh. Gah. Why is it so hard to explain?

[b]Triple S[/b]lap for you Neng! Okay, now you're awake? XD
[quote=eney0715;#3611400;1275364894]Sorry~ I know it's SuJu time but..we TripleSs are also eager to share what we feel about SS501's comeback!

Since when did you become a Triple S?

I'm also outdated now in the K-Pop scene. J-Rock is now ruling me!

the GazettE, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Scandal, Alice Nine, Arashi...so on so forth XDD
So aside from SJ (and SS501

), what are the other K-updates?