[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3627532;1276174700]Anyway, here is a good news! Eva Popiel marries his Korean boyfriend! Congrats to them~ She looks really fabulous in her wedding dress.
In case you don't know who she is, she is Eva of Super Junior Full House.[/quote]
She is even prettier with long hair. Congrats to her. Good thing she didn't end up with HanGeng.

lol, Ikid. XD
[quote=eney0715;#3627549;1276175807]Hahaha. I wonder why. What were you doing that time? XDD[/quote]
Wait. I get that, I get that!

[quote=eney0715;#3627549;1276175807]Oh yesh. Dongjoon is really hensam. He's young and has abs pa. The first member I knew was Junyoung because he looks alot like Micky.[/quote]
Dongjoon is a package

My friend said that Micky looks like him too. That's why he likes Junyoung. XD
[quote=eney0715;#3627549;1276175807]Why did they let a frikken good looking guy with yummy abs walk around just like that without his shirt? tsk. It can make so many fangirls . XDD[/quote]