[quote=m4ndz9;#3628516;1276252944]Why is Kibum hensam here? *o*[/quote]
hensam *_* btw he looks kinda sleepy wkwkwkw
[quote=m4ndz9;#3628516;1276252944]I can't help but laugh at Soohyun. So suave in walking and then..
Cool image - GONE
[quote=m4ndz9;#3628516;1276252944]Who is this? Dongho?
[quote=m4ndz9;#3628516;1276252944]Kiseop, what's in your nose?
the what???? O_O
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3622880;1275925474]No wonder you're gonna watch SS3 everywhere.
Nope, they are not going to Jakarta. The furthest are Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
I have to save money for a SVIP seat. My first SJ concert ever. I want to get the best view.
Aw man. I got my hopes high for my RL indo friend T_T . Hihi I've gotta save my money too
Its not only where you get the best view, its also where you get the FAN SERVICE
(kh kissing that girls hand T_T)
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3622880;1275925474]RIGHT CLICK > SAVE.
He looks so handsome.
Btw, I cannot view your video because it has been removed.
Aigoo ya... Kyuhyun was rly hot there T_T ESP when he walks
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3622880;1275925474]Just want to share this (for those who like Kyu)
CTP Suju + WG, Kyu cuts
Full version has not been subbed.
DOHOHOHOHO Kyu fan is happy XD
Oh yes kyu doing the naege naege naege monjo along with DH and SD
Yea SJ got a private car in Thailand. Cuz Thai fans are the wildest
Beliv me
But lol is that HyeRim
she looks scary
Ye I'm kinda heartbroken
Poor Heechul T_T
He was expecting SoHee to choose him. Ouch -.-
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3627532;1276174700]Anyway, here is a good news!
Eva Popiel marries his Korean boyfriend! Congrats to them~ She looks really fabulous in her wedding dress.
In case you don't know who she is, she is Eva of Super Junior Full House.
OMG I'm so happy XD I'm sure SJ will visit her wedding XD
[size=7]Is this [b]Donghae [u]kissing[/u][/b] a girl????[/size]