[align=center][size=4]TheFtalkers Grand EB[/size] [size=1]daw. :">[/size]
[sub]June 12, 2010. Saturday. @ Trinoma. :">[/sub][quote][b]Pics [/b]
(From L-R Kuya James, Xstel, Me, Chai, Ate Dian, Ate Yhet, Ate Ice, Kuya Trick)Kuya Dondon is our photographer.:">
[img]http://i47.tinypic.com/hueo1g.jpg[/img](From L-R Kuya Dondon, Xstel, Me, Chai, Ate Dian, Ate Yhet, Ate Ice, Kuya Trick) Kuya James is our photographer this time. :">[/quote]
[/align][quote][align=center][b]Your 1st impression when you met them?[/b][/align]
[b]Kristel[/b]: My neighbor. :"> She`s so sexy. Hahahhaha. I hate her too. :"<
[b]Chai[/b]: My sister, err. She`s so landeee ever. Hahahah
[b]Ate Dian [/b]: She was really nice. And, she`s so beautiful. And another.. She`s always singing. Hahaha.
[b]Kuya Trick [/b]: Err, I really don`t know him. Hahah. He`s tahimik && funny. :">
[b]Kuya Dondon [/b]: He`s my textmate too. :"> He`s so kulit he even shout at me and said "HOYY KAMUSTA KA NA?" I can`t remember what he said. Hahah. I have no idea that he was videoing us pala. Hahah.
[b]Ate Ice [/b]: Err, At first we really thought that she was the girl on the second floor. Ahm, I really didn`t expect that her hair is short and like that. LOL. And yes she really look like KhanMyLabs. :"> And I was really shocked when she told us that she was already 21. I was like "WHOAA really?" I thought she was like maybe 16-17. Hahaha. She`s really nice. :">
[b]Ate Yhet [/b]: I really don`t know her.. `cause I haven`t encountered her here at Ftalk. Hahah. But DAMN! She`s so nice && friendly, she even asked for my number before we left.
[b]Kuya James[/b]: I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! He`s soooo sooooo handsome. He`s like the STARRRRRRRr of the EB. Hahah. He always smile. :"> && BTW, he`s so macho && soo mabango. :"> Hahah. I love him to death. :">[/quote]
[align=center][quote][b]With whom?[/b]
yanndicecandy, heroinslither, dondon, xstel, xoxochubiie, brown.eyes, jamessss:b, yh3t.[/quote]
[quote][b]What happend?[/b]
So.. Chai & I went to the meeting place at around 1:45PM[?] And Kuya James wasn`t there yet. The first few were, Kristel, Ate Dianne, Kuya Pat, Kuya Dondon && Chai. At first I was really shy to talk to them. Hahah. So at around 2:00PM Ate Ice came. Around 2:30PM I think.. a a man from KFC went to our table and asked us if we were waiting for someone and all of us said YES.. and all of the sudden Kuya James came with Ate Yhet.. I was like WHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA! He`s so gwapo talaga. :"> Then he sat beside me.. and I was like OHMYGOD OHMYGODDDDDD! I can die now. Mygod! Then we decided to make lipat to Starbucks.. then when were finally there we remembered that they haven`t eaten there lunch. Hahah. Then we went to Pizza hut. We ordered Bacon Cheeseburger Supreme Family Size ahmm, it`s 399pesos. Hahah. So when were waiting for the pizza I & Kristel were making fun of Kuya DonDon, we were throwing him pieces of uncooked pasta. Hahaha. Then we ate na.. then after I finish eating my piza my Tita came.. we have to go na daw. The kids are bored na daw. I was like.. WHUTTDAAPAKKK! After we left I hugged kuya James and asked Kristel to take a photo of us.. I`m so kiligZz~ that time. Hahaha. And I was blushing like yeah. Hahaha. Then BLAH BLAH. Ask them for more info. Hahaha.[/quote]
[quote][b]Fun or Boring?[/b]
Last edited by xoxochubiie (2010-06-13 05:20:29)