• » [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

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[align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kristelxx]Facebook. :x[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Your 1st impression when you met them?[/b] [b]Dian[/b]: I thought she was like 23 or something as her age. But she was damn pretty. :"> And I embraced her when I met her first. Nyaaaaa~ And she`s liek.. When she said [i]"ayan na!"[/i] We, Chai and Cha stood up and searching for James. XD But James isn`t around yet, it was her friend. XDDD [b]Patrick[/b]: He`s nice. But silent. XD I`m out-of-placed when he and Dian tells stories XD [b]Dondon[/b]: I really laughed when I saw this guy. = )))) Then he even asked me if i`m the one wearing a white shirt and white shoes. Lol, I got red that time. I don`t want to be watched/stalk that I know. = ))))) He`s crazy. And he`s so ... [i]nang-aasar much.[/i] But, he`s crazy. 8-) [b]Chai & Chai[/b]: My neighbors! Same as always. [b]Ice[/b]: She`s nice. I thought she was the girl at the 2nd floor texting. XD [b]James[/b]: He`s soooooooooo [i]POGI[/i]. In every angle. :] Hoho. He`s a gentleman too. He bought the cam with him. :) And i love the way he laughs. XDD And he`s sweet in some ways. :p [b]Yhet[/b]: We`re not friends here at Ftalk, really. We met awhile ago and became friends. :D She`s sooo [i]kalog[/i] that she always makes us laugh. = )))) She always laugh. And she always want to make herself preeeeeetty. >:D<[/quote] [quote][b]With whom?[/b] yanndicecandy, heroinslither, dondon, paranoidperfection, xoxochubiie, brown.eyes, jamessss:b, yh3t.[/quote] [quote][b]What happend?[/b] Patrick came first, then Dian. They talked while I was OTW to TriNoma. I saw them infront of KFC, beside ChowKing, I hugged Dian and left my family. We sat at the last table of KFC and they talked and I was out-of-placed. I always tell them where are they, things like that. = )))) James texted me that he passed by TriNoma already and now he`s at Cubao. And dondon is like whatever. He`s texting me like killing me. = ))) He texted me "are you the one who`s wearing the white shirt and white rubber shoes?" and I was like in tomatoes. I don`t want to be watched, really. I don`t want to. XD Then, dondon is like *tadaaaa* infront of us. Inside of KFC, there`s a vacant long table. Dondon keeps on guessing what`s the username of Patrick. And he finally got it right. There`s a lady supposed to sit at that table but I bumped on her and sat on the long table. *[i]sorry lady but I need to. XD [/i] Then we sat, later on Chai & CHa came up, we talked and Patrick asked Dian for some paper for the attendance. We wrote our usernames and I doodled on it. There`s James in the middle and the background is a star with a shades on his eyes. And me, Dian, Chai, Cha & Ice beside him. Then the 2 guys, both ends. Then, Dian stood up and said..[i] "ayan na!"[/i] At the same time, We (Chai & Cha) Stood up. We thought it was James, but yet.. It was her friend. A chick. : ))))) Then Patrick really laughed hard. Lol. XD Then Ice came.. chit chats. Then the manager of KFC asked us if we can now leave or we`re waiting for someone. Then I shouted.. "Si James, o!" They looked beside the manager. = ))) And he`s so pogi. :D And he`s with Yhet. :) Then I was saying.. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" the whole time. And there`s always silence when James came. = )))))) I know Chai & Cha are kiligs. :lol3: Then we talked about for a while and left KFC, we went outside.. Starbucks. But then, sadly.. There`s no vacant chairs. :'[ We went inside and asked who have took their lunch na. And many doesn`t including me. Someone told to eat in Pizza hut, then okay. Pizza hut. I keep on throwing the pasta sticks to Dondon. = ))))) And some at James. James is sooooo hot. = )))))) Whenever our eyes meet, he`ll smile and make [i]kindat[/i]. = ))))))) Then we took pictures, laughed, took pictures, story tellings. Chai & Cha left that early. :'[ But then they had a picture with James. (take out XD) but then, I can`t find that picture in my DSLR. I don`t know where did I placed ir. XD Then another picture taking. Finished our food. Rested for a while and got the bill, payed off and lefted Pizza Hut. Patrick left. We should be in Starbucks for the next destination but then, I don`t know why we didn`t went there. XD Then we walked, we went up the Garden, Dondon for our photographer. XD took pictures, blabla. Then, went inside. Walked through TimeZone and we should rent a Videoke Room but all rooms are occupied. We went down again.. Walked, walked.. Then James said.. [i]"papicture tayo! studio!"[/i] We went to PhotoLine, we talked about out places. Then the background. They`re crazy. = )))) We`re so [i]ingay.[/i] = ))))))) First short: Normal people. XD Second shot: the heart thinggy. I wanted to be the unique one but James couldn't do it. That`s why we used the boring heart shape. = )))))) We left PhotoLine without our photos yet. Dian left. Its still developing. We went through stalls. Went back at PhotoLine, got our pictures then signed at the back of the pictures. = ))) We`re like stars. Autographs. Lol. XD Then Ice left, They`re gonna make [i]hatid[/i] me at my parents. XD (I forgot the handyman part. oh, whatever!) Then I hugged Dondon, James and Yhet. I heard them all say.. "mwah." :lol3::lol3::lol3: My parents didn`t got mad at me. She was like... good for you type that time. Then I told the happenings. And I went to Speedo. And, at 6pm, They`re at Tokyo Tokyo. Eating.. (again!) that`s the end of the story. XD[/quote] [quote]Fun or Boring? SUPER FUN! I wish I didn`t left that early. :'[ I wish this EB have chapter 2 :)[/quote] [/quote] [/align]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote][align=center][b]Pics[/b][/align] [align=center]Kristel's FB. :d[/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]Your 1st impression when you met them?[/b][/align] [b]Kristel;[/b] My neighbor, I hate her. 'Cause she can't find my picture with Kuya James. Haha. ((: [b]Cha;[/b] My sister, 'nuff said. ((: [b]Ate Dian; [/b]She was really nice. And, she [i]madaldal[/i], but it's cool. We're always laughing. ((: [b]Kuya Trick;[/b] At first I don't have any idea who he was, 'cause he's kinda inactive. But, then they told me he's from MMP. Then I remembered I read something about him that he came from the US. He's [i]tahimik [/i]at times. ((: [b]Kuya Dondon;[/b] He's my textmate. LOL, he's always teasing me about Kuya James. He's kinda shy in person, 'Cause he doesn't talk much at first.. But then, his magic videocam is always coming out from no where. ((: [b]Ate Ice;[/b] At first we thought she was the girl on the second floor texting. But when she came, whoaa. [i]'Di pala siya yun! [/i]Haha, then she immediately introduced herself. She was nice, and she's always talking with Kuya Trick. Yieeee. :"> [b]Ate Yhet;[/b] She came with Kuya James, I never encountered her here at THeFtalk. But she was really nice, She even asked my number before I went home. ((: [b]Kuya James;[/b] Like, Whoaa. We were starstruck, Like he was the big star on the EB. He's really nice, and he smiles a lot. :">[/quote] [quote][align=center][b]With whom?[/b][/align] [align=center]yanndicecandy, heroinslither, dondon, xstel, xoxochubiie, brown.eyes, jamessss:b, yh3t.[/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]What happened?[/b][/align] [align=center]Me and my sister went to the meeting place at around 1:45(?) Kuya James wasn’t there yet, the first few where Kristel, Kuya Trick, Ate Dian, Kuya Dondon and Cha (My sister). So, we we’re like searching for Kuya James, whenever someone passes KFC we were like looking if he’s there. Haha, then Ate Ice texted Kristel, then she came.. At around 2:00(?), a man from the staff of KFC went to our table and asked if we were going to order or if we were waiting for someone.. We said YES, and all of a sudden.. Kuya James came with Ate Yhet, all of us girls screamed. :lol3: Then they decided we change place and go to Starbucks, then I said.. “Kuya James, hug ko? ” Then he hugged me, shizz. I was so Kiligzz~~. :lol3: Then on the way to Starbucks, when Kuya James was beside me. I like made [i]kapit [/i]to him, then Kristel did the same.. Then after a while he said ” Ako nalang hahawak sa inyo. ” Then he made [i]akbay[/i] to us. :lol3: We like screamed. Haha! Then Starbucks was full, so because they didn’t eat lunch yet, they decided to go to Pizza Hut. I didn’t eat, ‘cause I was still full. I ate lunch before we went to Trinoma, then Kuya James was asking me.. ” Chai, okay ka lang? ” [i]maya’t maya[/i], :lol3: Then at like 3:45(?) My tita fetched us, she said we need to go home ‘cause her baby is bored. So we bid our goodbyes, then I had my picture taken with Kuya James, too bad it’s still with Kristel. Oh, well. Atleast I had fun, I hope there would be another EB with Kuya James. And I could stay longer. :)[/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]Fun or Boring?[/b][/align] [align=center]FUN. I wish we didn't have to go home that early, But still it was fun. We get to meet them, and I just wish there would be another EB with these people. :love::love::love::love:[/align][/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote]lol, i'm the [i]suki[/i] of this thread :lol3:[/quote] [quote=meng.o3;#3629899;1276364407]@dondon Goodness, If i was here loong before, i'd probably be there @ the feb28 eb. lol. sm mla is just walking distance from school.[/quote] awh. [i]sayang[/i] its ok ate meng, maybe someday, i can meet you together with lowess :eh: [hr] topic: [b]Video[/b] [spoiler][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14x6_p7olKc[/youtube][/spoiler] [b]Your 1st impression when you met them?[/b] [quote][b]Xstel[/b] - she's nice and friendly. ok she's cute also haha :)) this is our first time we meet, and i kinda shy to talk to her that time co'z she might [i]hampas[/i] me :lol3: I must say, she's very young at her age just like me :lol2: [b]Trick[/b] - oh yeah, at first im thinking who's patrick he is :lol3: then i think and i think, then i remember its heroinslither :eh: cool and nice guy, ready to have some fun :d ( hey, im not lolo :P ) [b]Dianne[/b] - i didn't know this girl also before coz its our first time we meet and i often visit her FB. then i remember when she said that she's also coming before in our eb with llyanz but she didn't come that time, so i remember that she's yanndicecandy :D [b]Cha[/b] - hmmm... we often talk to each other maybe shes busy staring at james face :lol3: but i think shes also makulit but as usual its our time we meet so she's kinda shy :D [b]Chai[/b] - The first thing that i saw to her is her eyes. Then im kinda shy to talk to her so i surprise her with my vid cam :lol3: She's pretty and kinda shy also. Im her katextmate at smart :lol3: [b]GlenIce[/b] - ahaha. when she enter at the kfc, my mind is like '[i]who is this kid[/i]?' hahaha. She's kinda look a like of Yhanikz coz of her looks. She's easy to get along and im shock when i ask her age :lol3: [b]Yhet[/b] - When i first saw her, i know it was yhet :lol3: She's very funny and very friendly. she's like our mascot :lol2: jk :P james always laugh at her, i dunno why :lol3: [b]James[/b] - he's lost somewhere in quezon :lol3: so he's kinda late. But when he enter at KFC wow, the girls are screaming like there's no tomorrow :lol3: He's very friendly and fun to talk :D[/quote] [b]With whom?[/b] [quote]With the person i said above :P[/quote] [b]What happend?[/b] [quote]Nothing happen =D just kidding. :D First, i saw xstel, but i didn't come :lol3: im tripping with her :lol3: then after a few minutes i decided to meet them. :D ok there are 4 of us now. me , xstel, dianne and trick. We are waiting for james. (i thought james has already there) then suddenly, chai and cha come in. Then a little kid also come in (glenice) :lol3: we are only waiting for james. Then they come together with yhet. ehehe. Then they scream wahaha. Ok then.... its a long story :lol3: just ask them :lol2:[/quote] [b]Fun or Boring?[/b] [quote]It was fun really. They are easy to get along. I like the part when we take a picture at the studio :eh: thanks guys :3[/quote] -- done :P
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=dondon;#3630336;1276411474]Xstel - she's nice and friendly. ok she's cute also haha ) this is our first time we meet, and i kinda shy to talk to her that time co'z she might hampas me I must say, she's very young at her age just like me[/quote] Lol. ((((((= I`m more younger than you lolo. And I made hampas you right? Because you told me, you`ll gonna make sumbong. :lol3::lol3: Sorry for that. :D:D:D [hr] Topic: See post #20.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=dondon;#3630336;1276411474]Chai - The first thing that i saw to her is her eyes. Then im kinda shy to talk to her so i surprise her with my vid cam She's pretty and kinda shy also. Im her katextmate at smart[/quote] Sankyoo Kuya Dondon. :lol3::lol3::lol3: I promise you, next time. We see each other.. You'll only see my eyes. :lol3::lol3::lol3:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

I'm seriously having a problem remembering events and people. I'll just type what I remember. Cha&&Chai. -- They're always together though they see each other everyday. :run: They're nice. Too bad we hadn't have much time to know each other. I was late, and the go home early. :poke: Trick -- I thought he's a snob in person, but he isn't. He's a nice guy with lots of question. And he was like ""I think I've seen this 2 before [i]Chai&Cha[/i]. I think I know them." For almost 5x. ((:" hahaha. Xd Xstel -- Are you sure you're just 13? C'mon. ((: When I was your age, I just sleep in the afternoon. ((: She's fun to be with. She laughs at my corny jokes and [i]pa-cutes[/i] all the time. Hahaha! She even let us meet her parents. And I was like "Yes tita. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. ((:" Dianne -- At first, she's not talking to me. I don't know why. I brushed my teeth before going to the EB. ((: But she's nice too. We even texted when I was about to go home. :D Eyes -- She's 21. And I even look older than her. Poor me. Hahaha! She's nice. And I so love her haircut. I always hold her arms whenever James tries to [i]maniak[/i] me. ((: HAHAHAHAHA. Dondon -- Hello. Hello. Hahahahaha!! She's a quiet guy who take a video of us all the time. Why? K, I know. Because I am beautiful. Hahahaha! She always laughs at me even I am not doing anything. So that proves how weird he is. Hahahahaha! Hey. Thanks for the TEDDY by the way! :wow2: James -- He's a she. Jk! ((: He's so [i]epal, pampam [/i] and all the negative words you can imagine. Hahaha! He's very talkative like he's mind runs 100000km/m ((: hahaha. Well, he's [i]galante[/i] . And uh, He's not handsome. HAHAHAHAHA. Jk. ((: I'll post what happened later. I feel dizzy. ((:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=yh3t;#3630421;1276415280]Dondon -- Hello. Hello. Hahahahaha!! [b]She's[/b] a quiet guy who take a video of us all the time. Why? K, I know. Because I am beautiful. Hahahaha! [b]She[/b] always laughs at me even I am not doing anything. So that proves how weird he is. Hahahahaha! Hey. Thanks for the TEDDY by the way! :wow2:[/quote] lol. i'm not she :facepalm: ok ur welcome :P --- thanks again xstel && chai :lol3: and all of the party people there :lol2:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=yh3t;#3630421;1276415280]Xstel -- Are you sure you're just 13? C'mon. ((: When I was your age, I just sleep in the afternoon. ((: She's fun to be with. She laughs at my corny jokes and pa-cutes all the time. Hahaha! She even let us meet her parents. And I was like "Yes tita. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. ((:"[/quote] Lol. [i]Pacute. [/i] = ))) I`m just [i]mababaw[/i] that`s why all my stolen pictures, i`m always[i] nakangisi[/i]. = ))) Dondon is a SHE! = ))))))))))))) Kuya James, thanks for the Teddy. \: DDDDD/
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

Sorry dondon. I just don't know the difference. Hahahahaha! ((: No plans of changing it anyway. HAHAHAHAHA.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[align=center][size=4]TheFtalkers Grand EB[/size] [size=1]daw. :">[/size] [sub]June 12, 2010. Saturday. @ Trinoma. :">[/sub][quote][b]Pics [/b] [img]http://bittersweetdilemmas.tumblr.com/photo/1280/692839411/1/tumblr_l3xulzPpBX1qaoa45[/img] (From L-R Kuya James, Xstel, Me, Chai, Ate Dian, Ate Yhet, Ate Ice, Kuya Trick)Kuya Dondon is our photographer.:"> [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/hueo1g.jpg[/img](From L-R Kuya Dondon, Xstel, Me, Chai, Ate Dian, Ate Yhet, Ate Ice, Kuya Trick) Kuya James is our photographer this time. :">[/quote] [/align][quote][align=center][b]Your 1st impression when you met them?[/b][/align] [b]Kristel[/b]: My neighbor. :"> She`s so sexy. Hahahhaha. I hate her too. :"< [b]Chai[/b]: My sister, err. She`s so landeee ever. Hahahah [b]Ate Dian [/b]: She was really nice. And, she`s so beautiful. And another.. She`s always singing. Hahaha. [b]Kuya Trick [/b]: Err, I really don`t know him. Hahah. He`s tahimik && funny. :"> [b]Kuya Dondon [/b]: He`s my textmate too. :"> He`s so kulit he even shout at me and said "HOYY KAMUSTA KA NA?" I can`t remember what he said. Hahah. I have no idea that he was videoing us pala. Hahah. [b]Ate Ice [/b]: Err, At first we really thought that she was the girl on the second floor. Ahm, I really didn`t expect that her hair is short and like that. LOL. And yes she really look like KhanMyLabs. :"> And I was really shocked when she told us that she was already 21. I was like "WHOAA really?" I thought she was like maybe 16-17. Hahaha. She`s really nice. :"> [b]Ate Yhet [/b]: I really don`t know her.. `cause I haven`t encountered her here at Ftalk. Hahah. But DAMN! She`s so nice && friendly, she even asked for my number before we left. [b]Kuya James[/b]: I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! He`s soooo sooooo handsome. He`s like the STARRRRRRRr of the EB. Hahah. He always smile. :"> && BTW, he`s so macho && soo mabango. :"> Hahah. I love him to death. :">[/quote] [align=center][quote][b]With whom?[/b] yanndicecandy, heroinslither, dondon, xstel, xoxochubiie, brown.eyes, jamessss:b, yh3t.[/quote] [quote][b]What happend?[/b] So.. Chai & I went to the meeting place at around 1:45PM[?] And Kuya James wasn`t there yet. The first few were, Kristel, Ate Dianne, Kuya Pat, Kuya Dondon && Chai. At first I was really shy to talk to them. Hahah. So at around 2:00PM Ate Ice came. Around 2:30PM I think.. a a man from KFC went to our table and asked us if we were waiting for someone and all of us said YES.. and all of the sudden Kuya James came with Ate Yhet.. I was like WHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA! He`s so gwapo talaga. :"> Then he sat beside me.. and I was like OHMYGOD OHMYGODDDDDD! I can die now. Mygod! Then we decided to make lipat to Starbucks.. then when were finally there we remembered that they haven`t eaten there lunch. Hahah. Then we went to Pizza hut. We ordered Bacon Cheeseburger Supreme Family Size ahmm, it`s 399pesos. Hahah. So when were waiting for the pizza I & Kristel were making fun of Kuya DonDon, we were throwing him pieces of uncooked pasta. Hahaha. Then we ate na.. then after I finish eating my piza my Tita came.. we have to go na daw. The kids are bored na daw. I was like.. WHUTTDAAPAKKK! After we left I hugged kuya James and asked Kristel to take a photo of us.. I`m so kiligZz~ that time. Hahaha. And I was blushing like yeah. Hahaha. Then BLAH BLAH. Ask them for more info. Hahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]Fun or Boring?[/b] SUPERRR FUNNNNNNNNNN!. :">[/quote] [/align]

Last edited by xoxochubiie (2010-06-13 05:20:29)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=paranoidperfection;#3630213;1276404247]Ate Dian; She was really nice. And, she madaldal, but it's cool. We're always laughing. ((:[/quote] Hahahaha than you Chai :) [quote=dondon;#3630336;1276411474]Dianne - i didn't know this girl also before coz its our first time we meet and i often visit her FB. then i remember when she said that she's also coming before in our eb with llyanz but she didn't come that time, so i remember that she's yanndicecandy[/quote] No, I'm Brye! Hahaha. Thanks Dondon Bridge :)))) [quote=yh3t;#3630421;1276415280]Dianne -- At first, she's not talking to me. I don't know why. I brushed my teeth before going to the EB. ((: But she's nice too. We even texted when I was about to go home.[/quote] Oh I'm zooo sorry, Yhet. :D I thought you're a snob :P But I guess we got along well, riiiiight? :D You're really cute and funny ((: [quote=xoxochubiie;#3630521;1276420510]Ate Dian : She was really nice. And, she`s so beautiful. And another.. She`s always singing. Hahaha.[/quote] Aww thank you, Cha (: Hahaha.

Last edited by yanndicecaedy (2010-06-13 05:22:49)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=yh3t;#3630421;1276415280]Cha&&Chai. -- They're always together though they see each other everyday. They're nice. Too bad we hadn't have much time to know each other. I was late, and the go home early. Trick -- I thought he's a snob in person, but he isn't. He's a nice guy with lots of question. And he was like ""I think I've seen this 2 before Chai&Cha. I think I know them." For almost 5x. ((:" hahaha. Xd[/quote] Thanks Ate Yhet. I wish I spent more time with you guys too. :"> I didn't hear Kuya Trick say that, But he seems familiar also. :lol3::lol3::lol3: I wish there would be another EB! Maybe on Sem break. :">
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=xoxochubiie;#3630521;1276420510]Kristel: My neighbor. :"> She`s so sexy. Hahahhaha. I hate her too. :"<[/quote] I know i`m sexy. XDDD Oh, don`t hate me. XD Hate the one who deleted it. XDDD Next EB; Sembreak please!!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[b]Impressions:[/b] [b]Patrick[/b] - I already know him but it was my first time to be with him when we had this EB :D He's quiet. He's the early bird during the EB :D [b]Xstel[/b] - She's nice and very charming. One of those girls who's so kilig to James. :P And she doesn't look like a thirteen-year old girl. :P [b]Dondon[/b] - Hahahahahaha!! The funny one who captures videos of us when we were at KFC waiting for the other ftalkers to come :P I wasn't suppose to beso him but he was like tripping me with making beso. ((((: HAHAHA. He also taught me how to use his camera. :P [b]Cha and Chai[/b] - The sisters in act. HAHA. I don't know how to talk to them at first so I always say "Hi" with a big smile on my face. hahaha. Just like Xstel, they're also kilig of James especially when they thought it was James who I saw outside KFC :P They're nice too, btw :) Chai even pulled me to them when she saw me with the boys (Patrick, Dondon and James) while walking :P [b]Ice[/b] - I already saw her outside KFC but just didn't mind her 'cause I thought she's just one of those who wanted to eat lunch at KFC. She's nice too and very friendly :) [b]James[/b] - I'd lie if I say he's not hansome, 'cause he really is. Hahaha. He's late though. But it's fine. He's nice and sees to it that everyone's okay. He always asks some of us "Uy. Okay ka lang?" He's kinda funny too whenever he teases Yhet. ((: He's friendly ((: [b]Yhet[/b] - She's undeniably cuuuute. Especially when she's doing that cute pose or that peace sign :P hahaha. I like her laugh ((: [b]With whom?:[/b] Those cuties I mentioned above :) What happened?: - I saw Patrick but was hesitant to approach him at first unless we had this eye contact. Im shy y'know :D - Saw Kristel. Hugged each other. - Sat at KFC. Chitchat a lot while waiting for others. - Dondon came. He started capturing videos. :P - Chai and Cha came, laughed a lot with them. - Waited for James and the "special guest" - Ice came she was like "Eto ba yun? Ftalk?" (((: - Wrote attendance on a paper :P - Waiter came, and asked us if we were waiting for someone. - James came just like a hollywood star. Seriously, with his shades and stuff. He's with Yhet. - Ate at Pizza Hut. Ordered a Family sized Pizza but doesn't even look like a family size. It's soooo small for 399 pesos. ((: - Took a lot of pictures ((: - Went to the garden and took a lot of pictures again. - Went to PhotoLine to have a studio pic ((: - I went home already. Super bitin. :| [b]Fun or Boring?:[/b] Super fun that I want moooooore. ((((:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[quote=yanndicecaedy;#3631341;1276500495]Xstel - She's nice and very charming. One of those girls who's so kilig to James. And she doesn't look like a thirteen-year old girl.[/quote] So you`re telling me i`m so [i]tanda?[/i] (((((((((= [hr] Papa James & I are planning for the next EB! And we`re making sure it`s very organized. And, oh.. It`s [b]overnight[/b] guys. :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

[align=center] :yes: [b][size=3]impromptu isaw meet-up[/b].[/size] kaththecrapout & heroinslither[/align] I only have few friends here in FTalk (most of them are my friends already from other sites like the late witch.com.ph, Multiply and etc..) and Trick (heroinslither) is one of them. But I first met him at dotawc3.multiply.com. Not that I'm a snob or whatsoever, it's just that only a few people dig the stuff that interest me. Like Trick! :D We both love and [i]hate some things[/i].) So, just in case you don't know, Trick (heroinslither) is here in the Philippines for his semestral break (he's currently living at Pearland, Texas). I just woke up from my sleep when he texted me around 5PM-ish, telling me that he'd meet me in MiniStop near Holy Fam somewhere in UP Village. We ate isaw (yumyum), drank real fruitshakes (man, it was his first time to try avocado shake hahaha!), puff some cig (he likes Marlboro Black) and chat like we've been friends for a long time. He thought that there would be awkward moments because it was our first time to meet but no. Hahaha. He was so surprised that there was none at all. Next time, I'll tag Ghing (kidaokagee) along with us. Or some of my Tumblr friends. *wink* [b]PICS[/b] [img]http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3820/61196482.jpg[/img] Nomnomnom. Here's a trivia: Trick has never eaten isaw in his entire life. And yeah, this was his first time and I'm the one who made him. Yay. I'm history!!! XD Look at his face, he's having an orgasm because of the tasty and yummehhh isaw. Hahaha! [img]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5313/50806393.jpg[/img] I also made him eat some of my [i]ostia[/i]. *evil laugh* But don't worry, they are not blessed. [img]http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/9046/hehe.gif[/img] This is us and our fat a$$es. Gee, I gained so much weight. [img]http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/2423/36354553.jpg[/img] And this is us, desperately looking for a camera angle that will help us conceal our fats. Hahaha!

Last edited by kaththecrapout (2010-07-02 14:48:07)

» FTalkManiac

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

^ sriously i don't like my face on that video. D: but then overall, it was a very cool video :| (((((=
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

thanks for that vid admin :d that was suuu awesome especially the godzilla part =D nice adventure sir :eh: tnx for staying here in PH :yes2: i also meet meng :yes: tnx meng for the time. hihi :xixi:
  • » [align=center][quote][quote][b]Pics:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i47.tinypic.com/furyg9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w2lpq1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] ** more pictures @ my [url=http://facebook.com/kr

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