[quote=ubenchx;#3636297;1277001994]Do you know Bob Ong? S/he is one of my favorite authors in this country. Anyway, I felt your situation dude.
I know its easy to say that your moving on but its really difficult to do so. You should get a hobby to keep yourself busy and by this you can somehow forget the feelings you have for your ex. You can't blame your ex-girlfriend if she don't love you anymore, she maybe bored or felt the cold feeling to you. I know the sadness you are feeling about the break up and your eagerness for another chance for you to be together. And I think I should be harsh to tell you that you should face the reality that she don't love you anymore. And don't hope for another chance, because if she really love you she will not feel the coldness of you. Lastly, you deserve someone better and I think you are still young, you will meet a lot of girls who are more deserving that your ex.
So dude, cheer up and move on. K?[/quote]
Yup thats another solution of getting rid of prob.......I agree.
Last edited by Hafeez (2010-06-19 22:54:44)