[quote=emptyballet;#3635768;1276951212]Hello there .
thanks to those who welcome me here .
yes im a kiss me :>
do you watched ukiss on there mall tours?[/quote]
Nix went to the concert!

So who is your Ukiss bias?
[quote=Kameakashinoa;#3636096;1276965040]I'm a fan of KPOP too!!
SNSD Rules!![/quote]
Not a fan, but I like their songs

[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3637048;1277029971]Promotional poster of SS3! Who is excited?[/quote]
Everyone is so freaking gorgeous!

Hyukkie, Kyu, Teukie, Hae.. okay everyone!

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]It's alright. They said they will come back here in the Philippines for sure! Maybe you're here that time, dbuhh? XD[/quote]
Hope so

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]*comforts Mandz* hahaha! xD[/quote]
I'm okay now

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]Super agree.[/quote]
So I am actually thinking if Max would be my husband someday

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]Yoyoyo! Try ukissrocket channel![/quote]
Well, I started watching UkV episodes from ukissrocket but it's up to Ep2 Part2 only. Bitin

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]OMG, Baby Dongho.[/quote]

I was actually google-ing for my homework and just decided to pass by. Hoho~ Anyway, [b]happy father's day[/b] to your appas!