[quote=Nickay;#3637152;1277033448]eh? really?
wait, they'll go to philippines too?
WOAAAH~ when is it?[/quote]
I think they do since they also went to Phil for SS2.

[quote=*nicz.love;#3637207;1277036460]Wowowow, I hope I can watch. XD[/quote]
Me is hoping for the same thing.

[quote=m4ndz9;#3637319;1277048785]Everyone is so freaking gorgeous! Hyukkie, Kyu, Teukie, Hae.. okay everyone![/quote]

[quote=Shim Oo-Ma;#3637398;1277067700]Hot, kyu is hot, siwon's pants looks weird, ryeowook looks manly, donghae's arms <3, uncle teuk's stare, eunhyuk's milky chest, YESUNG'S HANDS, shindong's hensam cool pose,SUNGMIN OMG, heechul is trying to be different again -.-, SHEEEESHHHH KYU IS SO HOT. I WANNA **** !!!! DAMN! he turned me ON[/quote]
Once hensam, always hensam. I miss Kyu forreal cos of his surgery. Hope he's okay then.
LOL, what's with Yesung's hand? SUNGMIN IS MIGHTY FINE HERE. I think Heenim's okay.
[quote=Shim Oo-Ma;#3637398;1277067700]Currently LOLing at SJ's embarrassment game. Before it was the refreshment game, now its the embarrassment game WOW i'm so happy that HEECHUL is finally the victim[/quote]
What is it about again? I heard about it but I haven't watched their vids.