[quote=strikerno14;#3638930;1277287917]I like avatar...oh wait, scratch that, I LOVE AVATAR: THE LEGEND OF AANG!!! You don't hear me complaining about how asians aren't the on portraying their roles...also, the characters in the series doesn't look asian at all, it's just the language cause chinese letters look cooler than the other ones.[/quote]
I don't get what you just said. "It's just the language cause chinese letters look cooler than the other ones?" What?

Well, in Daredevil they even made King Pin black when he wasn't even black to begin with. It's just wrong to see a cartoon character turned into a totally different "live action" version. Having Prince Zuko look like he's an Indian? Come on. They don't have to cast asians per se, but at least get someone that's close to him. @___@ I doubt I'd even think that Dev Patel would be Zuko if they hadn't called him "Zuko" in the movie trailer. Lmao. Well, whatever.
I heard that they also changed some stuff. In order to fire bend, you need a source of fire. WTF. Their powers come from the sun. ~_~
[quote=strikerno14;#3638930;1277287917]Nope, cause it was intentionally made as british english, and J.K. Rowling specifically requested that they must cast british people in the movie and no one else. That's why you can't see american dudes or ladies in there.[/quote]
Then as a director, M. Night Shyamalan should've done that as well.