[b]Game name:[/b]RF Online PH
[b]Server:[/b] Elixus
[b]Character name:[/b] papiLavs,RagingWeedz
[b]Selling:[/b] Both my characters. They are in separate account. both level 55. (papiLavs)Tanker, (RagingWeedz) Mystic Rider. 4 MAU Keys. (2Goli and 2Catapult LEVEL3 Parts) NO EQUIPS. (PURGED)
[b]Game name:[/b]Rohan Online PH
[b]Character name:[/b]jepijepijepSI
[b]Selling:[/b]My Character. Level 71 Dex Guardian. Good Equips. Level 2 Tiger pet halfway to level 3. Lots of power up scrolls. xD
[b]Game name:[/b]Aika Online
[b]Server[/b]:Alitheus Nation
[b]Character name:[/b]RoflmaoXD
[b]Buying:[/b]Cleric Equips
Last edited by ampjeff (2010-07-07 15:22:53)