[b]Online gamers! [/b]
You can sell/buy items here on the games you recently played.
This is a great help for us especially gamers who are still into playing online games.
Sell everything, Your items, or accounts, etc.
You might not know what you're looking for are just right here cause there are some ftalker who are gamers.


hope you'll accept this thread. teeheee.

Just post:
[b]Game name:[/b]
[b]Server:[/b] ----pls. indicate if it's a private server
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Selling:[/b] or [b]Buying[/b]: ---jot down your list here. put it in a spoiler if you have a long list.
[b]Contact[/b]:-----This is optional. Whether it's an fb account for example, or email add so that buyers or traders could pm you.
Post now!!!
Last edited by CuTeUkoi (2010-07-06 12:42:01)