dude, get some help.. jk..
well, if she doesn't like you or love you, just let her go.. ive been there. sooner or later the feeling will fade away..
she's not the last girl on earth.. she doesn't deserve your love.. i mean, everything happens for a reason, so maybe you guys are not meant to be.. im sure there's somebody out there waiting for you.. you just have to accept that we cannot keep everything that we have. we must learn how to let go.
let her go.

) forget her.. not forget- forget, know what i mean?
and the best way to forget an old love is to find a new love.. believe me that works.
its not that you want to forget the old so you'll find someone new.. its because you're able to fall in love with a new person so you're able to forget the old... *confused*
anyway, just let it go.