2007-12-18 10:47:38

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Visitors</title> <!-- change value of href for your css (relative or absolute) --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="tracker.css" /> <?php $phpowner="45399747"; $limit=1000; ?> <!-- /*####################################################################################### Friendster Tracker version 2.2 author: Ken Marfilla friendster.com/mumbhaki copyright 2007 License: GNU General Public License, version 2 See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license. Privacy Policy: Same as friendster.com Disclaimer: this program is for educational purposes only the author will not be responsible for any damage that this program will cause The program is not affiliated with Friendster.com ########################################################################################*/ --> <?php $owner=$_GET["owner"]; $start=$_GET["start"]; $id=$_GET["id"]; $name=$_GET["name"]; if(strlen($name)>8) { $name=substr($name,0,8)."…"; } $url=$_GET["url"]; $gender=$_GET["gender"]; $age=$_GET["age"]; $status=$_GET["status"]; $country=$_GET["country"]; if(strlen($country)>21) { $country=substr($country,0,22)."…"; } $since=$_GET["since"]; $seek=$_GET["seek"]; if(strlen($seek)>21) { $seek=substr($seek,0,22)."…"; } $exit=$_GET["exit"]; $mydata =getData(); $osh=$_GET["osh"]; $oss=$_GET["oss"]; if(!$exit){ if(!empty($id) && $owner==$phpowner && !empty($gender) && !empty($age) && !empty($status) && !empty($country) && !empty($since) && !empty($seek)) { $myitem=checkExist($mydata,$id,$exit); if($myitem['item']) appendData($myitem['array'],$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,$seek,0,$myitem['item']['duration'],$myitem['item']['visits'],$limit); else appendData($myitem,$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,$seek,0,0,0,$limit); } } else { if (!empty($id) && $owner==$phpowner && !empty($gender) && !empty($age) && !empty($status) && !empty($country) && !empty($since) && !empty($seek)) { $myitem=checkExist($mydata,$id,$exit); if($myitem['item']) { $s=time()- $myitem['item']['timestamp']; if ($s<0) $s=0; appendData($myitem['array'],$id,$name,$url,time(),$age,$gender,$status,$country,$since,$seek,1, $myitem['item']['duration']+$s,(int)($myitem['item']['visits'])+1,$limit); } } } function checkExist($da,$valme,$e) { if(empty($da)){ return $da; } for($y=0;$y<count($da);$y++){ if($y>2) { if(!$da[$y]['exit']) { $da[$y]['exit']=1; } if($da[$y]['duration']<1) { unset($da[$y]); } } if($da[$y]['id']==$valme) { $t=$da[$y]; unset($da[$y]); $da = array_values($da); return array( "array" => $da, "item" => $t ); } } return $da; } function appendData($da,$a_id,$a_name,$a_url,$a_timestamp,$a_age,$a_gender,$a_status,$a_country,$a_since,$a_seek,$a_exit,$a_duration,$a_visits,$a_limit) { if(!is_array($da)){ $da=array( array( "id" => $a_id, "name" => $a_name, "url" => $a_url, "timestamp" => $a_timestamp, "age" => $a_age, "gender" => $a_gender, "status" => $a_status, "country" => $a_country, "since" => $a_since, "seek" => $a_seek, "exit" => $a_exit, "duration" => $a_duration, "visits" => $a_visits ) ); } else { array_unshift($da, array( "id" => $a_id, "name" => $a_name, "url" => $a_url, "timestamp" => $a_timestamp, "age" => $a_age, "gender" => $a_gender, "status" => $a_status, "country" => $a_country, "since" => $a_since, "seek" => $a_seek, "exit" => $a_exit, "duration" => $a_duration, "visits" => $a_visits ) ); if(count($da)>$a_limit) array_pop($da); } saveData($da); return; } function saveData($d) { if (file_exists("mv.txt")) unlink("mv.txt"); $file = fopen("mv.txt", "w") or exit("Unable to open file!"); fclose($file); $temp=""; for($x=0;$x<count($d);$x++) { $temp=$temp.$d[$x]['id']."&".$d[$x]['name']."&".$d[$x]['url']."&".$d[$x]['timestamp']."&".$d[$x]['age']."&".$d[$x]['gender']."&".$d[$x]['status']."&".$d[$x]['country']."&".$d[$x]['since']."&".$d[$x]['seek']."&".$d[$x]['exit']."&".$d[$x]['duration']."&".$d[$x]['visits']."\r"; } $file = fopen("mv.txt", "a+") or exit("Unable to open file!"); fwrite($file,$temp); fclose($file); return; } function getData() { $a=""; $temp=""; $file = fopen("mv.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!"); while(!feof($file)) { $temp=$temp.fgets($file); } fclose($file); $j=explode("\r",$temp); foreach ($j as $val) { $c=explode("&",$val); if(count($c)>3) { if ($a==""){ $a=array( array( "id" => $c[0], "name" => $c[1], "url" => $c[2], "timestamp" => $c[3], "age" => $c[4], "gender" => $c[5], "status" => $c[6], "country" => $c[7], "since" => $c[8], "seek" => $c[9], "exit" => $c[10], "duration" => $c[11], "visits" => $c[12] ) ); } else { array_push($a, array( "id" => $c[0], "name" => $c[1], "url" => $c[2], "timestamp" => $c[3], "age" => $c[4], "gender" => $c[5], "status" => $c[6], "country" => $c[7], "since" => $c[8], "seek" => $c[9], "exit" => $c[10], "duration" => $c[11], "visits" => $c[12] ) ); } } } return $a; } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/time.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php $items = getData(); $thispage = $PHP_SELF ; $num = count($items); $per_page = 10; $showeachside = 5; if(empty($start))$start=0; $max_pages = ceil($num / $per_page); $cur = ceil($start / $per_page)+1; ?> <?php for($x=$start;$x<min($num,$start+$per_page);$x++){ if(($x % 2) == 1) { echo "\t<div class=\"stxt1\">\n"; echo "\t\t<div class=\"dtxt1\">\n"; } else { echo "\t<div class=\"stxt0\">\n"; echo "\t\t<div class=\"dtxt0\">\n"; } $k=date("D d F Y H:i:s ",$items[$x]['timestamp']+$oss+18000)." GMT".$osh; $minute=floor((double)$items[$x]['duration']/60); $second=fmod((double)$items[$x]['duration'],60); if(!$items[$x]['exit']) $online="<span id=online>ONLINE</span> "; else $online=""; echo "\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t<div class=\"imgblock\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t<a title=\"".$items[$x]['name']."\" href=\"http://profiles.friendster.com/".$items[$x]['id']."\" target=\"_blank\">"; echo "<img src=\"".$items[$x]['url']."\" alt=\"".$items[$x]['name']."\" />"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t<div class=\"content\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t<span id=namef><a title=\"".$items[$x]['name']."\" href=\"http://profiles.friendster.com/".$items[$x]['id']."\" target=\"_blank\"> "; echo $items[$x]['name']; echo "</a></span> | ".$items[$x]['visits']." visit(s) < ".$minute." min ".$online."\n"; echo "<br />\t\t\t".$k."\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t<br />".$items[$x]['age'].", ".$items[$x]['gender'].", ".$items[$x]['status']."<br />\n"; echo "\t\t\tInterested In: ".$items[$x]['seek']."<br />\n"; echo "\t\t\tMember Since: ".$items[$x]['since']."<br />Location: ".$items[$x]['country']."\n"; echo "\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t<br clear=\"all\" />\n"; echo "\t</div>\n"; } ?> <div id="footer" class="stxt<?php print($perpage%2);?>"> <span class="strong"> <?php if(($start-$per_page) >= 0) { $next = $start-$per_page; ?> <a title="First Page" name="lnk" href="<?php print("$thispage");?>"><<•</a> <?php } ?> <?php if(($start-$per_page) >= 0) { $next = $start-$per_page; ?> <a title="Previous Page" name="lnk" href="<?php print("$thispage".($next>0?("?start=").$next:""));?>"><• </a> <?php } ?> <?php $eitherside = ($showeachside * $per_page); if($start+1 > $eitherside)print (" .... 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" sec, $per_page queries"; echo "<br>"; ?> <br /> <span class="cred">WVMe created by <a href="http://profiles.friendster.com/mumbhaki" target="_blank">Marfillaster</a> - ver2.2 Edit by <a href="http://profiles.friendster.com/renalvir" target="_blank">RenAlvir</a></span><br /> </center> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function nrcIE(){ if (document.all){return false;}} function nrcNS(e){ if(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ return false;}}} if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=nrcNS; }else{document.onmouseup=nrcNS;document.oncontextmenu=nrcIE;} document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false"); </script> <div align="center"> <font class="content_ip"> <font color="orange" size="1" face="Tahoma"><b>YOUR IP ADRESS:</b></font><font color="white" size="1" face="Tahoma"> <script language="javascript" src="http://www.gratismania.tv/ip.php"></script> </div> </body> </html> apanya yang salah........kok tdk mau jalan!!!!!

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