Pages: 1234567891011..11

  2007-12-27 22:09:29

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

[b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color] [/b] This script is a Friend Scanner. If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear. [img][/img]

@xavier the authcode will cause an error why not use regexp instead ok I'll share mine just put your FS email address in [b]YOUR FRIENDSTER EMAIL ADDRESS[/b] [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();})) window.onload = function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();}; if (typeof FRIENDSCAN == "undefined") { FRIENDSCAN = {}; } FRIENDSCAN = { init: function() { var emailAdd = "YOUR FRIENDSTER EMAIL ADDRESS"; var areWeFriend = "yes"; var authCode = ""; var scanner = document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML; var AFRconfirm = as Friend/); if (AFRconfirm > 0) { areWeFriend = "no"; authCode = /href="[\S\s]*?authcode=([\S\s]+?)">Add as Friend/.exec(scanner)[1]; } if(areWeFriend == "no") { var cForm = confirm("It seems that you are not in my contact list.\n Do you want to add me as your friend?"); if (cForm == true) { document.location.href=""+authCode+"&uid="+pageOwnerID+"&id=&email="+encodeURI(emailAdd)+"&lastname="; } } } };[/quote]

Last edited by feruzz (2007-12-27 22:11:37)

Pages: 1234567891011..11

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