» [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
[b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
[b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
[b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
If[b] "OK"[/b] is clicked.. You will be directed to the [b]"add as friend page of Friendster"[/b].
If [b]"Cancel"[/b] is clicked confirmation box will be closed.
Here is the Script.
<">If you like, just edit the Message..
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
I saw this in MCT but in a multiply overlay application... whewww thanks xave....
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
oh cool... i've got a dark idea from this code..... kidding... never mind.. that's bad.. haha.. +rep for u xavey :gift:
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
cool kua xave...
gonna use dis some other tym.,
[color=#999999][i]wen i get my laptop fixed [/i][/color]
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Wakiwkiw hehehe multiply to friendster wahaha
@blurrycloud hehe AUTH is a very powerful thing haha comments messages friends
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
this code is so "wow"...hehehe..thanx for sharing xavier..
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
[quote=Ephemeral]Wakiwkiw hehehe multiply to friendster wahaha
@blurrycloud hehe AUTH is a very powerful thing haha comments messages friends [/quote]
I beg to agree ... hehe
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
wahhaha kuya xave d best waakakaaakka thx for sharing xav
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
the authcode will cause an error
why not use regexp instead
ok I'll share mine
just put your FS email address in [b]YOUR FRIENDSTER EMAIL ADDRESS[/b]
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();})) window.onload = function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();};
if (typeof FRIENDSCAN == "undefined") { FRIENDSCAN = {}; }
init: function() {
var areWeFriend = "yes";
var authCode = "";
var scanner = document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML;
var AFRconfirm = scanner.search(/Add as Friend/);
if (AFRconfirm > 0) {
areWeFriend = "no";
authCode = /href="[\S\s]*?authcode=([\S\s]+?)">Add as Friend/.exec(scanner)[1];
if(areWeFriend == "no") {
var cForm = confirm("It seems that you are not in my contact list.\n Do you want to add me as your friend?");
if (cForm == true) {
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
thanks for teh share xave and you too feruzz
I guess ima use it later
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
Re: [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.
@ sir Feruzz..
do i have to change this
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();})) window.onload = function() { FRIENDSCAN.init();};
if (typeof FRIENDSCAN == "undefined") { FRIENDSCAN = {}; }
init: function() {
var areWeFriend = "yes";
var authCode = "";
var scanner = document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML;
var AFRconfirm = scanner.search(/Add as Friend/);
if (AFRconfirm > 0) {
areWeFriend = "no";
authCode = /href="[\S\s]*?authcode=([\S\s]+?)">Add as Friend/.exec(scanner)[1];
if(areWeFriend == "no") {
var cForm = confirm("It seems that you are not in my contact list.\n Do you want to add me as your friend?");
if (cForm == true) {
the bold text one..
just asking
» [b][color=RED]UPDATED!!!! :wow: [/color]
This script is a Friend Scanner.
If the viewer is not the owner's friend, a confirmation box will appear.