Pages: 123

  2006-10-09 10:54:54

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Quick message box:[/b] [code]<script language="javascript"> quickmess="yes"; </script> <div id=quickmessid></div>[/code] [b]Qyick testimonial box:[/b] [code]<script language="javascript"> qui

[quote=kikay_girl][b]Quick message box:[/b] <">[b]Qyick testimonial box:[/b] <">[b]TESTIMANIA:[/b] When your friend leaves your profile he/she will be force to give you a testimonial.. Juz edit the red coloured text the way you want it to be.. [quote]<script language=javascript> testimania="yes"; deftestimaniamess="Whether you like it or not, please leave a testimonial"; cancelmania="You can't leave here unless you drop me a testimonial"; </script> <div id="testimaniaid"></div>[/quote] [b]Profile viewed counter:[/b] <">well, hope it could help u!.. :)[/quote] [b]THIS ADD-ONS ARE FOR OVERLAYS.. and credits goes to MARK LORETO for developing these.. thanks a lot.. ^_^ [/b]

Pages: 123

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