[b]can u help me?it didnt work..i was trying to put another box for my mp3 player,just below my friends list..but it didnt work..im stil new to this addBox thingy..i wish u culd kinda help me out..
well, enough chat, heres my code:
<">and about the reviews thingy, i use this method of compiling my js:
[quote]scriptFolder = '
scripts = new Array()
scripts[0] = 'field.js'
scripts[1] = 'bar.js'
scripts[2] = 'ym.js'
scripts[2] = 'mp3ephe.js'
for(x in scripts){
myscripts = document.createElement('script')
myscripts.src = scriptFolder+scripts[x]
and that js is stil loc8d at my media box, do i have to make a seperate js linker so i culd put my player?
the js file for my mp3, i named it aftr u cause i also tried the addbox code of switpotato, but it didnt work also..i may have a lil bit problem understanding this addbox stuff..[/b]