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  2008-03-01 20:32:04

D' Angelo
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hi guys, Its just small scripting i've made to use [b]Flash Navigation[/b]. [b]Credits to Sis Annanyeep :arrow: [url=]Menu Navigation[/url][/b] [b]

[quote=piggylover]check my codes it isnt working in my profile~ CSS: JS: i can c it in my profile~ but i cant click anything~ plz help~[/quote] try put you CSS Innjection and Flash Navigation Code on top most of your JS as i give info on 1st page [quote][color=#cc0000]function injectcss() { if(window.cssinjected == undefined) { cssinjected = 1; var css = document.createElement("link"); css.setAttribute("type","text/css"); css.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"); css.setAttribute("href","CSS URL"); css.setAttribute("media","screen, print"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); } } injectcss(); document.getElementById("mainnav").innerHTML="<div id='flash nav' align='center'>"+ "<embed src='"+ "?btncolor=3399cc"+ "&btncolor2=3366ff"+ "&BGcolor=FFFFFF"+ "&opacity=20"+ "&pgUID=44740900' "+ "menu='false' quality='high' wmode='transparent' width='800' height='40' scale='noscale' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></div>"; [/color] if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { qComment();})) window.onload = function() { qComment();}; function qComment() { COMMENTOR.init(); } and so on[/quote] @k8: change your css [quote]#mainnav{ padding-bottom:20px; << optional depends on your need height:40px; width:1200px; << optional depends on your need (the flash file full width = 1200 px) background-color:transparent; << needed to remove blue color background-image:url(''); << needed to remove blue navigation image }[/quote] Change the [color=#cc0000][b]width[/b][/color] in JS Code [quote]//Change Navigation document.getElementById("mainnav").innerHTML="<div id='flash nav' align='center'>"+ "<embed src='"+ "?btncolor=333333"+ "&btncolor2=AAAAAA"+ "&BGcolor=FFFFFF"+ "&opacity=20"+ "&pgUID=58352413' "+ "menu='false' quality='high' wmode='transparent' width='[color=#cc0000][b]1200[/b][/color]' height='40' scale='noscale' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></div>";[/quote]

Last edited by D' Angelo (2008-03-01 20:39:36)

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