I notice that when someone made a tutorial, there are tons of people who post something "great, thanks, nice code

" or other similar to that. Its rather annoying and obviously its just spamming. I hope they would be given a warn or their post would be deleted, as it just makes those tutorial topics so long (with lots of pages). Its so hard to find important informations. Like questions asked by members, and specially, the corresponding answers. I suggest people would only post if what they would say is REALLY important, like suggestions and questions.
Now I know some of you would say, "but what if we are really grateful that he made the code I've been looking for a long time?! what if we really wanna thank him?!"
If you are really thankful to the person that made the code, its better to message him. He would more appreciate it. Than just posting the same "thanks nice codes blah blah blah" that almost everyone does.