[quote=peachcute_18]i've been a newbie too.., the truth is i've been registered since november '07 but becoz i'm so
scared of doing somethin wrong that can result for being banned..,
i just shut up and read and read threads without interacting with members..,
i just had courage when some of ftalkers talked to me and welcomed me..,
[b]first[/b] i was so scared coz every mods i see where so harsh about implementing rules.., (some i guess)
^can't they warn people first?
[b]second[/b] im afraid to be called a spammer when all i did was an honest mistake,,.
a lesson for me: read first!
a lesson for mods: please be more patient..,
@peach siszt where the same..actually ive been here since sept of last year and until last month i only have less than 50 post

coz i am not not that socially oriented type and i often get [b]out of place[/b] and i am really afraid of being banned and afraid of making mistakes coz sometimes i observe some mods,. they are really sometimes 'quite rude' amfufufu.. before i cant understand why but now i already understand that they just want everything good for he sake of this forum.
but for the new members its a must to have a [b]commonsense[/b].... everything has a rule therefore as a member they must follow and read first before interact.
for the mods, sometimes they have thier own world and they do not interact well with the new members btw, i am refering to some..not all

thats why some members get annoyed and reacting in a negative way...