[align=center][color=#3399ff]can i request for a blog layout.. ??

[u][b]Here's da' pics / colors / styles[/b][/u] ::
--- [u][b]Images[/b][/u] ::
[i]for da banner[/i] = [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/permanent-transition/art/cute%20institute/banner_from_thecuteinstitute_at_zaz.jpg[/url]
[ [i]just remove some stuffs & edit anything in the banner & put texts[/i] ]
[i]background[/i] = [url]http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc63/banqxbanqx3/BACKGROUND.png[/url]
[i]add these on / beside the titles of entries & others[/i] = [url]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z91/snowell_28289/Animated%20gif/right.gif[/url]
[ [i]yu can choose any pics from the given above..[/i] ]
& yu can use any other images to add / for other parts of the layout..
can yu put a kawaii "[i]welcome[/i]" image / gif above.. ??
--- [u][b]Text[/b][/u] :: for the banner ::
up = " [i]live.. love.. learn..[/i] "
main text = " [i]The Story of a Simple Girl in her Fairytale[/i] " ,
under = " [i][♥] louiz . 27[/i] "
[ [i]uhm.. can yu make all the fonts of entries , titles of entries , & all the other words [b]century gothic [/b].. ?[/i] ]
--- [u][b]Theme[/b][/u] :: Kawaii [ [i]but don't make it too kawaii[/i] ]
--- [u][b]Main Colors[/b][/u] :: Deeppink [ #ff0099 ] , Light Blue [ #3399ff ] , Green [ #00ff00 ] , Yellow
[ [i]please do not make da' colors too dark & yu can add mor colors if yu want[/i] ]
--- [u][b]Wid / Widout Scrollable Entry[/b][/u] :: With Scrollable entry
--- [u][b]Text - Alignment[/b][/u] :: Center
--- [u][b]Layout[/b][/u] :: 2 Columns - Left
can yu pleas make the [i]welcome message[/i] to..
<">the [i]goodbye message[/i] to..
<">& can yu please make da layout wid a "[i]no right-click[/i]" alert.. ??
& pleas make da' message for da [i]no right-click[/i]ing to..
<">please put som cursors main cursor & a hover cursor..
make da' cursors colorful & kawaii.. yu can use any kinds of cursors..
make the colors of the scroll bars Deep Pink [ #ff0099 ] , Light Blue [ #3399ff ] , Black , Yellow
hehe.. it's too long.. sorry..

please make it a nice one poh..

[b]tnx in advance[/b].. ♥

sorry for requesting again..
i accidently deleted yur pm for me but just make da layout poh

i won't mind if it takes long to make it..
i'll just wait..

Last edited by ♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥ (2008-03-20 12:59:57)