[align=center][color=steelblue]dearest shieka

can i hav a favor pleeeease??

i dnt want to upload the file on mine
coz you might get ideas that i could rip it

i also hate ripperz

coz theyre so arggh

if itz ok?
can u plz put this for the left scrll bar

: [/color]
<">[color=steelblue]and this for the welcome alert: [/color]
[quote]mGandang araw se0! ! ! (^-^)™[/quote]
[color=steelblue]and for the exit: [/color]
[quote]mag inGat kah lage! ! ![/quote]
[color=steelblue]*sowee for the sticky caps its in need hehe
gonna erase this soon mods

for no right click:[/color]
wish u understand meee

and for rippers, dont rip

edited: so u think pink is better than blu

uve hurt my feelings guys

wahahha joke
actually i also like pink but its juz my 2nd

the editing part:
rily ull do it weee soo sweet juz edit
if u wil rily edit it, juz do it wen all request are finish
u have a tough job except you didnt have even the minimum wage our only money here is the repu
this codes i gave
put this wenever ur free do on the requestors first. .
or theyll get jelous

Last edited by charmcharmcharm14 (2008-03-19 11:13:14)