Re: I notice that when someone made a tutorial, there are tons of people who post something "great, thanks, nice code :thumbsup:" or other similar to that. Its rather annoying and obviously its just spamm
Ah, its good. Atleast, now mods have the right to really warn people who post something short like those. Because before, we don't have those rules here, making those spammers have their reasons that their not breaking a rule. But now they really are.
Hmm... How about make an announcement that there are new added rules, that might help so more people would notice it. If there already is, disregard this suggestion.
Yes I do understand that, we have different timezones, and yes people would not stop that easy, hmm... as a suggestion, I think mods must be really strict on implementing these rules so people would take those rules seriously. So even if mods are not online, some spammers who had receive a warning would be afraid to spam again, leaving these forums: less spammed. aight.